Oral cleaning habits and the copy number of periodontal bacteria in pregnant women and its correlation with birth outcomes: an epidemiological study in Mibilizi, Rwanda
Hiroaki Arima, et al. “Oral Cleaning Habits and the Copy Number of Periodontal Bacteria in Pregnant Women and Its Correlation with Birth Outcomes: An Epidemiological Study in Mibilizi, Rwanda.” BMC Oral Health, vol. 22, no. 1, Sept. 2022, pp. 1–12. EBSCOhost,
Hiroaki Arima, Akintije Simba Calliope, Hideki Fukuda, Theoneste Nzaramba, Marie Goretti Mukakarake, Takayuki Wada, Takashi Yorifuji, Leon Mutesa, & Taro Yamamoto. (2022). Oral cleaning habits and the copy number of periodontal bacteria in pregnant women and its correlation with birth outcomes: an epidemiological study in Mibilizi, Rwanda. BMC Oral Health, 22(1), 1–12.
Hiroaki Arima, Akintije Simba Calliope, Hideki Fukuda, Theoneste Nzaramba, Marie Goretti Mukakarake, Takayuki Wada, Takashi Yorifuji, Leon Mutesa, and Taro Yamamoto. 2022. “Oral Cleaning Habits and the Copy Number of Periodontal Bacteria in Pregnant Women and Its Correlation with Birth Outcomes: An Epidemiological Study in Mibilizi, Rwanda.” BMC Oral Health 22 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1186/s12903-022-02443-4.