Arthroscopic Treatment of Hip Chondral Defect With Microfracture and Platelet-Rich Plasma–Infused Micronized Cartilage Allograft Augmentation
Michael S. Schallmo, B. S., et al. “Arthroscopic Treatment of Hip Chondral Defect With Microfracture and Platelet-Rich Plasma–Infused Micronized Cartilage Allograft Augmentation.” Arthroscopy Techniques, vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. e361–65. EBSCOhost,
Michael S. Schallmo, B. S., Alejandro Marquez-Lara, M. D., T. David Luo, M. D., Samuel Rosas, M. D., & Allston J. Stubbs, M. D. . M. B. A. (2018). Arthroscopic Treatment of Hip Chondral Defect With Microfracture and Platelet-Rich Plasma–Infused Micronized Cartilage Allograft Augmentation. Arthroscopy Techniques, 7(4), e361–e365.
Michael S. Schallmo, B.S., M.D. Alejandro Marquez-Lara, M.D. T. David Luo, M.D. Samuel Rosas, and M.D., M.B.A. Allston J. Stubbs. 2018. “Arthroscopic Treatment of Hip Chondral Defect With Microfracture and Platelet-Rich Plasma–Infused Micronized Cartilage Allograft Augmentation.” Arthroscopy Techniques 7 (4): e361–65. doi:10.1016/j.eats.2017.10.005.