Astrocytic response mediated by the CLU risk allele inhibits OPC proliferation and myelination in a human iPSC model
Zhenqing Liu, et al. “Astrocytic Response Mediated by the CLU Risk Allele Inhibits OPC Proliferation and Myelination in a Human IPSC Model.” Cell Reports, vol. 42, no. 8, Aug. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Zhenqing Liu, Jianfei Chao, Cheng Wang, Guihua Sun, Daniel Roeth, Wei Liu, Xianwei Chen, Li Li, E Tian, Lizhao Feng, Hayk Davtyan, Mathew Blurton-Jones, Markus Kalkum, & Yanhong Shi. (2023). Astrocytic response mediated by the CLU risk allele inhibits OPC proliferation and myelination in a human iPSC model. Cell Reports, 42(8).
Zhenqing Liu, Jianfei Chao, Cheng Wang, Guihua Sun, Daniel Roeth, Wei Liu, Xianwei Chen, et al. 2023. “Astrocytic Response Mediated by the CLU Risk Allele Inhibits OPC Proliferation and Myelination in a Human IPSC Model.” Cell Reports 42 (8). doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112841.