Highly active and stable OER electrocatalysts derived from Sr2MIrO6 for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers
María Retuerto, et al. “Highly Active and Stable OER Electrocatalysts Derived from Sr2MIrO6 for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers.” Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, Dec. 2022, pp. 1–10. EBSCOhost,
María Retuerto, Laura Pascual, Jorge Torrero, Mohamed Abdel Salam, Álvaro Tolosana-Moranchel, Diego Gianolio, Pilar Ferrer, Paula Kayser, Vincent Wilke, Svenja Stiber, Verónica Celorrio, Mohamed Mokthar, Daniel García Sanchez, Aldo Saul Gago, Kaspar Andreas Friedrich, Miguel Antonio Peña, José Antonio Alonso, & Sergio Rojas. (2022). Highly active and stable OER electrocatalysts derived from Sr2MIrO6 for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1–10.
María Retuerto, Laura Pascual, Jorge Torrero, Mohamed Abdel Salam, Álvaro Tolosana-Moranchel, Diego Gianolio, Pilar Ferrer, et al. 2022. “Highly Active and Stable OER Electrocatalysts Derived from Sr2MIrO6 for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers.” Nature Communications 13 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-35631-5.