Effect of a 72 Hour Stroke Care Bundle on Early Outcomes after Acute Stroke: A Non Randomised Controlled Study.
Jane Nakibuuka, et al. “Effect of a 72 Hour Stroke Care Bundle on Early Outcomes after Acute Stroke: A Non Randomised Controlled Study.” PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 5, Jan. 2016, p. e0154333. EBSCOhost,
Jane Nakibuuka, Martha Sajatovic, Joaniter Nankabirwa, Charles Ssendikadiwa, Nelson Kalema, Arthur Kwizera, Jayne Byakika-Tusiime, Anthony J Furlan, James Kayima, Edward Ddumba, & Elly Katabira. (2016). Effect of a 72 Hour Stroke Care Bundle on Early Outcomes after Acute Stroke: A Non Randomised Controlled Study. PLoS ONE, 11(5), e0154333.
Jane Nakibuuka, Martha Sajatovic, Joaniter Nankabirwa, Charles Ssendikadiwa, Nelson Kalema, Arthur Kwizera, Jayne Byakika-Tusiime, et al. 2016. “Effect of a 72 Hour Stroke Care Bundle on Early Outcomes after Acute Stroke: A Non Randomised Controlled Study.” PLoS ONE 11 (5): e0154333. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154333.