Variations and gradients between methane seep and off-seep microbial communities in a submarine canyon system in the Northeast Pacific
Susie Cummings, et al. “Variations and Gradients between Methane Seep and Off-Seep Microbial Communities in a Submarine Canyon System in the Northeast Pacific.” PeerJ, vol. 11, Mar. 2023, p. e15119. EBSCOhost,
Susie Cummings, Lila M. Ardor Bellucci, Sarah Seabrook, Nicole A. Raineault, Kerry L. McPhail, & Andrew R. Thurber. (2023). Variations and gradients between methane seep and off-seep microbial communities in a submarine canyon system in the Northeast Pacific. PeerJ, 11, e15119.
Susie Cummings, Lila M. Ardor Bellucci, Sarah Seabrook, Nicole A. Raineault, Kerry L. McPhail, and Andrew R. Thurber. 2023. “Variations and Gradients between Methane Seep and Off-Seep Microbial Communities in a Submarine Canyon System in the Northeast Pacific.” PeerJ 11 (March): e15119. doi:10.7717/peerj.15119.