Prospective observational cohort study of time saved by prehospital thrombolysis for ST elevation myocardial infarction delivered by paramedics. (Papers)
Pedley, David K., et al. “Prospective Observational Cohort Study of Time Saved by Prehospital Thrombolysis for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Delivered by Paramedics. (Papers).” British Medical Journal, vol. 327, no. 7405, July 2003, p. 22. EBSCOhost,
Pedley, D. K., Bissett, K., Connolly, E. M., Goodman, C. G., Golding, I., Pringle, T., McNeill, G., Pringle, S., & Jones, M. (2003, July 5). Prospective observational cohort study of time saved by prehospital thrombolysis for ST elevation myocardial infarction delivered by paramedics. (Papers). British Medical Journal, 327(7405), 22.
Pedley, David K., Kim Bissett, Elizabeth M. Connolly, Carol G. Goodman, Ian Golding, Th Pringle, Gp McNeill, Sd Pringle, and Mc Jones. 2003. “Prospective Observational Cohort Study of Time Saved by Prehospital Thrombolysis for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Delivered by Paramedics. (Papers).” British Medical Journal, July 5.