WESTWORDS; Cities of change; The Bad City in the Good War: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Diego, Roger W. Lotchin, Indiana University Press: 304 pp., $19.95 paper
Kirsch, Jonathan. “WESTWORDS; Cities of Change; The Bad City in the Good War: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Diego, Roger W. Lotchin, Indiana University Press: 304 Pp., $19.95 Paper.” Los Angeles Times, 17 Aug. 2003, p. R-2. EBSCOhost,
Kirsch, J. (2003, August 17). WESTWORDS; Cities of change; The Bad City in the Good War: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Diego, Roger W. Lotchin, Indiana University Press: 304 pp., $19.95 paper. Los Angeles Times, R-2.
Kirsch, Jonathan. 2003. “WESTWORDS; Cities of Change; The Bad City in the Good War: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, and San Diego, Roger W. Lotchin, Indiana University Press: 304 Pp., $19.95 Paper.” Los Angeles Times, August 17.