New Findings from University of Gothenburg in the Area of Endometrial Cancer Reported (Long-term survival in obese patients after robotic or open surgery for endometrial cancer)
“New Findings from University of Gothenburg in the Area of Endometrial Cancer Reported (Long-Term Survival in Obese Patients after Robotic or Open Surgery for Endometrial Cancer).” Women’s Health Weekly, June 2020, p. 826. EBSCOhost,
New Findings from University of Gothenburg in the Area of Endometrial Cancer Reported (Long-term survival in obese patients after robotic or open surgery for endometrial cancer). (2020, June 25). Women’s Health Weekly, 826.
Women’s Health Weekly. 2020. “New Findings from University of Gothenburg in the Area of Endometrial Cancer Reported (Long-Term Survival in Obese Patients after Robotic or Open Surgery for Endometrial Cancer),” June 25.