Study Findings on Transcription Factors Are Outlined in Reports from Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Integrated Metabolome and Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes Involved In Metabolism of Terpenoids and Phthalides In ...)
“Study Findings on Transcription Factors Are Outlined in Reports from Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Integrated Metabolome and Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes Involved In Metabolism of Terpenoids and Phthalides In ...).” Life Science Weekly, 16 Nov. 2021, p. 6312. EBSCOhost,
Study Findings on Transcription Factors Are Outlined in Reports from Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Integrated Metabolome and Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes Involved In Metabolism of Terpenoids and Phthalides In ...). (2021, November 16). Life Science Weekly, 6312.
Life Science Weekly. 2021. “Study Findings on Transcription Factors Are Outlined in Reports from Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Integrated Metabolome and Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes Involved In Metabolism of Terpenoids and Phthalides In ...),” November 16.