Data on Gestational Diabetes Described by Researchers at Department of Obstetrics (Effects of Metformin On Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Reversal of Renal Function Injury In Pregnant Rats With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus)
“Data on Gestational Diabetes Described by Researchers at Department of Obstetrics (Effects of Metformin On Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Reversal of Renal Function Injury In Pregnant Rats With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus).” Women’s Health Weekly, Mar. 2022, p. 64. EBSCOhost,
Data on Gestational Diabetes Described by Researchers at Department of Obstetrics (Effects of Metformin On Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Reversal of Renal Function Injury In Pregnant Rats With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus). (2022, March 10). Women’s Health Weekly, 64.
Women’s Health Weekly. 2022. “Data on Gestational Diabetes Described by Researchers at Department of Obstetrics (Effects of Metformin On Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Reversal of Renal Function Injury In Pregnant Rats With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus),” March 10.