Researchers from Sichuan Agricultural University Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biofuel (High Bioethanol Titer and Yield From Phosphoric Acid Plus Hydrogen Peroxide Pretreated Paper Mulberry Wood Through Optimization ...)
“Researchers from Sichuan Agricultural University Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biofuel (High Bioethanol Titer and Yield From Phosphoric Acid Plus Hydrogen Peroxide Pretreated Paper Mulberry Wood Through Optimization ...).” Biotech Week, 28 June 2023, p. 406. EBSCOhost,
Researchers from Sichuan Agricultural University Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biofuel (High Bioethanol Titer and Yield From Phosphoric Acid Plus Hydrogen Peroxide Pretreated Paper Mulberry Wood Through Optimization ...). (2023, June 28). Biotech Week, 406.
Biotech Week. 2023. “Researchers from Sichuan Agricultural University Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biofuel (High Bioethanol Titer and Yield From Phosphoric Acid Plus Hydrogen Peroxide Pretreated Paper Mulberry Wood Through Optimization ...),” June 28.