The key to a smoother menopause lies in your gut; Eighty per cent of women finding at least one menopause symptom 'very difficult' to live with -- the role of the gut is often overlooked
“The Key to a Smoother Menopause Lies in Your Gut; Eighty per Cent of Women Finding at Least One Menopause Symptom ‘Very Difficult’ to Live with -- the Role of the Gut Is Often Overlooked.” The Telegraph Online, 27 July 2023. EBSCOhost,
The key to a smoother menopause lies in your gut; Eighty per cent of women finding at least one menopause symptom “very difficult” to live with -- the role of the gut is often overlooked. (2023, July 27). The Telegraph Online.
The Telegraph Online. 2023. “The Key to a Smoother Menopause Lies in Your Gut; Eighty per Cent of Women Finding at Least One Menopause Symptom ‘Very Difficult’ to Live with -- the Role of the Gut Is Often Overlooked,” July 27.