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Demystifying the Code First approach in EF Core

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This, Authors { Get; Set; } Public AuthorDbContext(DbContextOptions<AuthorDbContext> Options) : Base(Options) { }}<P>Note How The DbContextOptions Instance Is Passed To The Constructor Of This Class. This Instance Will Contain The Database Provider And Connection String Information Your Application Needs To Connect To The Database.</P><H3>Step 3: Configure The DbContext</H3><P>Next Override The OnModelCreating Method Of Your AuthorDbContext Class To Configure The Model And Its Relationships As Shown In The Code Snippet Below.</P>Protected Override Void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder ModelBuilder){ ModelBuilder.Entity<Author>() .Property(P => P.FirstName).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(50);}<H3>Step 4: Register The DbContext</H3><P>Now Register The AuthorDbContext With The Dependency Injection Container Using The Following Code Snippet. This Will Allow Your Application To Access The DbContext Instance Throughout Its Life Cycle.</P>Builder.Services.AddDbContext<AuthorDbContext>(Options => Options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("AuthorDb")));<H3>Step 5: Migrate The Database</H3><P>In This Final Step We Take Advantage Of The Migration Feature Of EF Core To Create Or Update The Database Schema Based On Our Data Model. To Do
Approaches, Run The Following Command At The Ef Core Cli Window Or The Nuget Package Manager Console.</P>Dotnet Ef Migrations Add Initialmigration<P>And That'S All You Have To Do To Get Your Application Up And Running Using The Code First Approach.</P><P>Each Of The Three Approaches To Creating A Data Model In Ef Core Has Its Pros And Cons. You Should Select The Right Approach For Your Application Depending On The Requirements. I'Ll Discuss The Other Two
First, Model First And Database
<pubDate>Thu, In Detail In Future Posts Here.</P>]]></Description>
Kanjilal, 25 Jan 2024 02:00:00 -0800</Pubdate> <Author> Joydip
Source : January 25, 2024
Publication Year :


Byline: Authors { get; set; } public AuthorDbContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) { }}Note how the DbContextOptions instance is passed to the constructor of this class. This instance will contain the [...]


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