Reports on Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Findings from Institute of Nano Science and Technology Provide New Insights (A Self-powered, Anti-bacterial, Moist-wound Dressing Made With Electroactive Free-flowing Hydrogel Particles, Encourage Faster ...)
“Reports on Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Findings from Institute of Nano Science and Technology Provide New Insights (A Self-Powered, Anti-Bacterial, Moist-Wound Dressing Made With Electroactive Free-Flowing Hydrogel Particles, Encourage Faster ...).” Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, Aug. 2024, p. 3614. EBSCOhost,
Reports on Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Findings from Institute of Nano Science and Technology Provide New Insights (A Self-powered, Anti-bacterial, Moist-wound Dressing Made With Electroactive Free-flowing Hydrogel Particles, Encourage Faster ...). (2024, August 24). Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 3614.
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week. 2024. “Reports on Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Findings from Institute of Nano Science and Technology Provide New Insights (A Self-Powered, Anti-Bacterial, Moist-Wound Dressing Made With Electroactive Free-Flowing Hydrogel Particles, Encourage Faster ...),” August 24.