Reports Summarize Breast Cancer Research from National Institutes of Health (The associations of muscle-strengthening exercise with recurrence and mortality among breast cancer survivors: a systematic review)
“Reports Summarize Breast Cancer Research from National Institutes of Health (The Associations of Muscle-Strengthening Exercise with Recurrence and Mortality among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review).” Women’s Health Weekly, Oct. 2024, p. 229. EBSCOhost,
Reports Summarize Breast Cancer Research from National Institutes of Health (The associations of muscle-strengthening exercise with recurrence and mortality among breast cancer survivors: a systematic review). (2024, October 3). Women’s Health Weekly, 229.
Women’s Health Weekly. 2024. “Reports Summarize Breast Cancer Research from National Institutes of Health (The Associations of Muscle-Strengthening Exercise with Recurrence and Mortality among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review),” October 3.