Research Findings from Universita degli Studi di Udine Update Understanding of Health and Medicine (The Perception of Time between Phenomenology and Gestalt Psychology: Edmund Husserl and Giovanni Bruno Vicario's Perspectives)
“Research Findings from Universita Degli Studi Di Udine Update Understanding of Health and Medicine (The Perception of Time between Phenomenology and Gestalt Psychology: Edmund Husserl and Giovanni Bruno Vicario’s Perspectives).” Health & Medicine Week, 25 Oct. 2024, p. 4390. EBSCOhost,
Research Findings from Universita degli Studi di Udine Update Understanding of Health and Medicine (The Perception of Time between Phenomenology and Gestalt Psychology: Edmund Husserl and Giovanni Bruno Vicario’s Perspectives). (2024, October 25). Health & Medicine Week, 4390.
Health & Medicine Week. 2024. “Research Findings from Universita Degli Studi Di Udine Update Understanding of Health and Medicine (The Perception of Time between Phenomenology and Gestalt Psychology: Edmund Husserl and Giovanni Bruno Vicario’s Perspectives),” October 25.