Researchers' Work from Hubei University Focuses on Mental Health Diseases and Conditions (Mental Health Literacy and Help-seeking Intention Among Chinese Elite Athletes: the Mediating Roles of Stigma and Social Support)
“Researchers’ Work from Hubei University Focuses on Mental Health Diseases and Conditions (Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking Intention Among Chinese Elite Athletes: The Mediating Roles of Stigma and Social Support).” Mental Health Weekly Digest, 28 Oct. 2024, p. 691. EBSCOhost,
Researchers’ Work from Hubei University Focuses on Mental Health Diseases and Conditions (Mental Health Literacy and Help-seeking Intention Among Chinese Elite Athletes: the Mediating Roles of Stigma and Social Support). (2024, October 28). Mental Health Weekly Digest, 691.
Mental Health Weekly Digest. 2024. “Researchers’ Work from Hubei University Focuses on Mental Health Diseases and Conditions (Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking Intention Among Chinese Elite Athletes: The Mediating Roles of Stigma and Social Support),” October 28.