University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Reports Findings in Education (Investigating the relationship between internet addiction, domestic violence, and emotional divorce among married women in Tehran)
“University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Reports Findings in Education (Investigating the Relationship between Internet Addiction, Domestic Violence, and Emotional Divorce among Married Women in Tehran).” Education Letter, 30 Oct. 2024, p. 842. EBSCOhost,
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Reports Findings in Education (Investigating the relationship between internet addiction, domestic violence, and emotional divorce among married women in Tehran). (2024, October 30). Education Letter, 842.
Education Letter. 2024. “University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Reports Findings in Education (Investigating the Relationship between Internet Addiction, Domestic Violence, and Emotional Divorce among Married Women in Tehran),” October 30.