Studies from Ohio State University Describe New Findings in HIV/AIDS [Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)-Induced Neuropathy and Mitochondrial Toxicity: Limitations of the Poly-g Hypothesis and the Potential Roles of Autophagy and ...]
“Studies from Ohio State University Describe New Findings in HIV/AIDS [Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)-Induced Neuropathy and Mitochondrial Toxicity: Limitations of the Poly-g Hypothesis and the Potential Roles of Autophagy And ...].” AIDS Weekly, 30 Dec. 2024, p. 130. EBSCOhost,
Studies from Ohio State University Describe New Findings in HIV/AIDS [Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)-Induced Neuropathy and Mitochondrial Toxicity: Limitations of the Poly-g Hypothesis and the Potential Roles of Autophagy and ...]. (2024, December 30). AIDS Weekly, 130.
AIDS Weekly. 2024. “Studies from Ohio State University Describe New Findings in HIV/AIDS [Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)-Induced Neuropathy and Mitochondrial Toxicity: Limitations of the Poly-g Hypothesis and the Potential Roles of Autophagy And ...],” December 30.