Paris moves slowly in the springtime: things are pretty slack in the French mid-market at the moment. Cherry Canovan reviews the deals and talks to commentators who predict a return to form. (Moving in the mid-markets)
Canovan, Cherry. “Paris Moves Slowly in the Springtime: Things Are Pretty Slack in the French Mid-Market at the Moment. Cherry Canovan Reviews the Deals and Talks to Commentators Who Predict a Return to Form. (Moving in the Mid-Markets).” Acquisitions Monthly, Mar. 2002, p. 40. EBSCOhost,
Canovan, C. (2002, March 1). Paris moves slowly in the springtime: things are pretty slack in the French mid-market at the moment. Cherry Canovan reviews the deals and talks to commentators who predict a return to form. (Moving in the mid-markets). Acquisitions Monthly, 40.
Canovan, Cherry. 2002. “Paris Moves Slowly in the Springtime: Things Are Pretty Slack in the French Mid-Market at the Moment. Cherry Canovan Reviews the Deals and Talks to Commentators Who Predict a Return to Form. (Moving in the Mid-Markets).” Acquisitions Monthly, March 1.