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CMB-S4 Decadal Survey APC White Paper

Authors :
Abazajian, Kevork
Addison, Graeme
Adshead, Peter
Ahmed, Zeeshan
Allen, Steven W
Alonso, David
Alvarez, Marcelo
Anderson, Adam
Arnold, Kam S
Baccigalupi, Carlo
Bailey, Kathy
Barkats, Denis
Barron, Darcy
Barry, Peter S
Bartlett, James G
Thakur, Ritoban Basu
Battaglia, Nicholas
Baxter, Eric
Bean, Rachel
Bebek, Chris
Bender, Amy N
Benson, Bradford A
Berger, Edo
Bhimani, Sanah
Bischoff, Colin A
Bleem, Lindsey
Bocquet, Sebastian
Boddy, Kimberly
Bonato, Matteo
Bond, J. Richard
Borrill, Julian
Bouchet, Francois R
Brown, Michael L
Bryan, Sean
Burkhart, Blakesley
Buza, Victor
Byrum, Karen
Calabrese, Erminia
Calafut, Victoria
Caldwell, Robert
Carlstrom, John E
Carron, Julien
Cecil, Thomas
Challinor, Anthony
Chang, Clarence L
Chinone, Yuji
Cho, Hsiao-Mei Sherry
Cooray, Asantha
Crawford, Thomas M
Crites, Abigail
Cukierman, Ari
Cyr-Racine, Francis-Yan
Haan, Tijmen de
Zotti, Gianfranco de
Delabrouille, Jacques
Demarteau, Marcel
Devlin, Mark
Valentino, Eleonora Di
Dobbs, Matt
Duff, Shannon
Duivenvoorden, Adriaan
Dvorkin, Cora
Edwards, William
Eimer, Joseph
Errard, Josquin
Essinger-Hileman, Thomas
Fabbian, Giulio
Feng, Chang
Ferraro, Simone
Filippini, Jeffrey P
Flauger, Raphael
Flaugher, Brenna
Fraisse, Aurelien A
Frolov, Andrei
Galitzki, Nicholas
Galli, Silvia
Ganga, Ken
Gerbino, Martina
Gilchriese, Murdock
Gluscevic, Vera
Green, Daniel
Grin, Daniel
Grohs, Evan
Gualtieri, Riccardo
Guarino, Victor
Gudmundsson, Jon E
Habib, Salman
Haller, Gunther
Halpern, Mark
Halverson, Nils W
Hanany, Shaul
Harrington, Kathleen
Hasegawa, Masaya
Hasselfield, Matthew
Hazumi, Masashi
Heitmann, Katrin
Henderson, Shawn
Henning, Jason W
Hill, J. Colin
Hlozek, Renee
Holder, Gil
Holzapfel, William
Hubmayr, Johannes
Huffenberger, Kevin M
Huffer, Michael
Hui, Howard
Irwin, Kent
Johnson, Bradley R
Johnstone, Doug
Jones, William C
Karkare, Kirit
Katayama, Nobuhiko
Kerby, James
Kernovsky, Sarah
Keskitalo, Reijo
Kisner, Theodore
Knox, Lloyd
Kosowsky, Arthur
Kovac, John
Kovetz, Ely D
Kuhlmann, Steve
Kuo, Chao-lin
Kurita, Nadine
Kusaka, Akito
Lahteenmaki, Anne
Lawrence, Charles R
Lee, Adrian T
Lewis, Antony
Li, Dale
Linder, Eric
Loverde, Marilena
Lowitz, Amy
Madhavacheril, Mathew S
Mantz, Adam
Matsuda, Frederick
Mauskopf, Philip
McMahon, Jeff
Meerburg, P. Daniel
Melin, Jean-Baptiste
Meyers, Joel
Millea, Marius
Mohr, Joseph
Moncelsi, Lorenzo
Mroczkowski, Tony
Mukherjee, Suvodip
Munchmeyer, Moritz
Nagai, Daisuke
Nagy, Johanna
Namikawa, Toshiya
Nati, Federico
Natoli, Tyler
Negrello, Mattia
Newburgh, Laura
Niemack, Michael D
Nishino, Haruki
Nordby, Martin
Novosad, Valentine
O’Connor, Paul
Obied, Georges
Padin, Stephen
Pandey, Shivam
Partridge, Bruce
Pierpaoli, Elena
Pogosian, Levon
Pryke, Clement
Puglisi, Giuseppe
Racine, Benjamin
Raghunathan, Srinivasan
Rahlin, Alexandra
Rajagopalan, Srini
Raveri, Marco
Reichanadter, Mark
Reichardt, Christian L
Remazeilles, Mathieu
Rocha, Graca
Roe, Natalie A
Roy, Anirban
Ruhl, John
Salatino, Maria
Saliwanchik, Benjamin
Schaan, Emmanuel
Schillaci, Alessandro
Schmittfull, Marcel M
Scott, Douglas
Sehgal, Neelima
Shandera, Sarah
Sheehy, Christopher
Sherwin, Blake D
Shirokoff, Erik
Simon, Sara M
Slosar, Anze
Somerville, Rachel
Staggs, Suzanne T
Stark, Antony
Stompor, Radek
Story, Kyle T
Stoughton, Chris
Suzuki, Aritoki
Tajima, Osamu
Teply, Grant P
Thompson, Keith
Timbie, Peter
Tomasi, Maurizio
Treu, Jesse I
Tristram, Matthieu
Tucker, Gregory
Umilta, Caterina
Engelen, Alexander van
Vieira, Joaquin D
Vieregg, Abigail G
Vogelsberger, Mark
Wang, Gensheng
Watson, Scott
White, Martin
Whitehorn, Nathan
Wollack, Edward J
Wu, W. L. Kimmy
Xu, Zhilei
Yasini, Siavash
Yeck, James
Yoon, Ki Won
Young, Edward
Zonca, Andrea
Source :
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. 51(7)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
United States: NASA Center for Aerospace Information (CASI), 2019.


CMB-S4 is envisioned to be the ultimate ground-based cosmic microwave background experiment, crossing critical thresholds in our understanding of the origin and evolution of the Universe, from the highest energies at the dawn of time through the growth of structure to the present day. The CMB-S4 science case is spectacular: the search for primordial gravitational waves as predicted from inflation and the imprint of relic particles including neutrinos, unique insights into dark energy and tests of gravity on large scales, elucidating the role of baryonic feedback on galaxy formation and evolution, opening up a window on the transient Universe at millimeter wavelengths, and even the exploration of the outer Solar System. The CMB-S4 sensitivity to primordial gravitational waves will probe physics at the highest energy scales and cross a major theoretically motivated threshold in constraints on inflation. The CMB-S4 search for new light relic particles will shed light on the early Universe 10,000 times farther back than current experiments can reach. Finally, the CMB-S4 Legacy Survey covering 70% of the sky with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution from centimeter- to millimeter-wave observing bands will have a profound and lasting impact on Astronomy and Astrophysics and provide a powerful complement to surveys at other wavelengths, such as LSST and WFIRST, and others yet to be imagined. We emphasize that these critical thresholds cannot be reached without the level of community and agency investment and commitment required by CMB-S4. In particular, the CMB-S4 science goals are out of the reach of any projected precursor experiment by a significant margin.


Subjects :


Language :
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
NASA Technical Reports
Journal :
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
Publication Type :
Accession number :
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