Disruption of the Putative Vascular Leak Peptide Sequence in the Stabilized Ricin Vaccine Candidate RTA1-33/44-198
Army Medical Research And Materiel Command Fort Detrick Md, et al. “Disruption of the Putative Vascular Leak Peptide Sequence in the Stabilized Ricin Vaccine Candidate RTA1-33/44-198.” DTIC, 2013. EBSCOhost,
Army Medical Research And Materiel Command Fort Detrick Md, Janosi, L., Compton, J. R., Legler, P. M., Steele, K. E., Davis, J. M., Matyas, G. R., & Millard, C. B. (2013). Disruption of the Putative Vascular Leak Peptide Sequence in the Stabilized Ricin Vaccine Candidate RTA1-33/44-198. DTIC.
Army Medical Research And Materiel Command Fort Detrick Md, Laszlo Janosi, Jaimee R Compton, Patricia M Legler, Keith E Steele, Jon M Davis, Gary R Matyas, and Charles B Millard. 2013. “Disruption of the Putative Vascular Leak Peptide Sequence in the Stabilized Ricin Vaccine Candidate RTA1-33/44-198.” DTIC.