The twelve-month outcomes of a biolimus eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer compared with a sirolimus eluting stent with a durable polymer
Garg, S. A.(Scot), et al. The Twelve-Month Outcomes of a Biolimus Eluting Stent with a Biodegradable Polymer Compared with a Sirolimus Eluting Stent with a Durable Polymer. 2010. EBSCOhost,
Garg, S. A. (Scot), Sarno, G. (Giovanna), Serruys, P. W. J. C. (Patrick), Vries, T. (Ton) de, Buszman, P. (Pawel), Linke, A. (Axel), Ischinger, T. (Thomas), Klauss, V. (Volker), Eberli, F. R. (Franz R., Corti, R. (Roberto), Wijns, W. (William), Morice, M.-C. (Marie-C., Mario, C. (Carlo) di, Geuns, R. J. M. (Robert J. van, Eerdmans, P. (Pedro), Es, G. A. (Gerrit A. van, Meier, B. (Bernard), Jüni, P. (Peter), & Windecker, S. W. (Stephan). (2010). The twelve-month outcomes of a biolimus eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer compared with a sirolimus eluting stent with a durable polymer.
Garg, S.A. (Scot), G. (Giovanna) Sarno, P.W.J.C. (Patrick) Serruys, T. (Ton) de Vries, P. (Pawel) Buszman, A. (Axel) Linke, T. (Thomas) Ischinger, et al. 2010. “The Twelve-Month Outcomes of a Biolimus Eluting Stent with a Biodegradable Polymer Compared with a Sirolimus Eluting Stent with a Durable Polymer.”