Maraviroc intensification of cART in patients with suboptimal immunological recovery: a 48-week, placebo-controlled randomized trial
Steven Van lelyveld, et al. Maraviroc Intensification of CART in Patients with Suboptimal Immunological Recovery: A 48-Week, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trial. 2015. EBSCOhost,
Steven Van lelyveld, Julia Drylewicz, Maaike Krikke, Ellen Veel, Sigrid Otto, Clemens Richter, Robin Soetekouw, Jan Prins, Kees Brinkman, Jan Willem Mulder, Frank Kroon, Ananja Middel, Jori Symons, Annemarie Wensing, Monique Nijhuis, Jose Borghans, Kiki Tesselaar, & Andy Hoepelman. (2015). Maraviroc intensification of cART in patients with suboptimal immunological recovery: a 48-week, placebo-controlled randomized trial.
Steven Van lelyveld, Julia Drylewicz, Maaike Krikke, Ellen Veel, Sigrid Otto, Clemens Richter, Robin Soetekouw, et al. 2015. “Maraviroc Intensification of CART in Patients with Suboptimal Immunological Recovery: A 48-Week, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trial.”