Multi-temporal InSAR for Deformation Monitoring of the Granada and Padul Faults and the Surrounding Area (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain)
Sousa, J. J.(author), et al. Multi-Temporal InSAR for Deformation Monitoring of the Granada and Padul Faults and the Surrounding Area (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain). 2014. EBSCOhost,
Sousa, J. J. (author), Ruiz, A. M. (author), Hooper, A. J. (author), Hanssen, R. F. (author), Perski, Z. (author), Bastos, L. C. (author), Gil, A. J. (author), Galindo-Zaldivar, J. (author), Sanz de Galdeano, C. (author), Alfaro, P. (author), Garrido, M. S. (author), Armenteros, J. A. (author), Gimenez, E. (author), & Aviles, M. (author). (2014). Multi-temporal InSAR for Deformation Monitoring of the Granada and Padul Faults and the Surrounding Area (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain).
Sousa, J.J. (author), A.M. (author) Ruiz, A.J. (author) Hooper, R.F. (author) Hanssen, Z. (author) Perski, L.C. (author) Bastos, A.J. (author) Gil, et al. 2014. “Multi-Temporal InSAR for Deformation Monitoring of the Granada and Padul Faults and the Surrounding Area (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain).”