Wireless capsule endoscopy and faecal biomarkers in small bowel Crohn's disease patients: Role in assessing clinical remissions and predicting future relapses
Craig, Philip, Clinical School-St George Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, et al. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy and Faecal Biomarkers in Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease Patients: Role in Assessing Clinical Remissions and Predicting Future Relapses. 2013. EBSCOhost,
Craig, P. C. S.-S. G. H. F. of M. U., Zekry, A. C. S.-S. G. H. F. of M. U., & Aggarwal, V. C. S.-S. G. H. F. of M. U. (2013). Wireless capsule endoscopy and faecal biomarkers in small bowel Crohn’s disease patients: Role in assessing clinical remissions and predicting future relapses.
Craig, Philip, Clinical School - St George Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, Amany, Clinical School - St George Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Zekry, and Vipul, Clinical School - St George Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Aggarwal. 2013. “Wireless Capsule Endoscopy and Faecal Biomarkers in Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease Patients: Role in Assessing Clinical Remissions and Predicting Future Relapses.”