Multicentre Randomised trial of Acute Stroke treatment in the Ambulance with a nitroglycerin Patch (MR ASAP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
van den Berg, S. A.(Sophie A. .., et al. Multicentre Randomised Trial of Acute Stroke Treatment in the Ambulance with a Nitroglycerin Patch (MR ASAP): Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial. 2019. EBSCOhost,
van den Berg, S. A. (Sophie A. ., Dippel, D. W. J. (Diederik), Hofmeijer, J., Fransen, P. S. S. (Puck), Caminada, K. (Klaartje), Siegers, A. (Arjen), Kruyt, N. D. (Nyika), Kerkhoff, H. (Henk), Leeuw, H. F. (Frank) de, Nederkoorn, P. J. (Paul), & Worp, H. B. (Bart) van der. (2019). Multicentre Randomised trial of Acute Stroke treatment in the Ambulance with a nitroglycerin Patch (MR ASAP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
van den Berg, S.A. (Sophie A.), D.W.J. (Diederik) Dippel, J. Hofmeijer, P.S.S. (Puck) Fransen, K. (Klaartje) Caminada, A. (Arjen) Siegers, N.D. (Nyika) Kruyt, et al. 2019. “Multicentre Randomised Trial of Acute Stroke Treatment in the Ambulance with a Nitroglycerin Patch (MR ASAP): Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial.”