Immunogenicity and safety of a novel adjuvanted hepatitis B candidate vaccine in liver transplant patients
UCL - Autre, et al. “Immunogenicity and Safety of a Novel Adjuvanted Hepatitis B Candidate Vaccine in Liver Transplant Patients.” Journal of Hepatology, Vol. 40, p. 52 (2004), 2004. EBSCOhost,
UCL - Autre, Nevens, F., Zuckerman, J., Burroughs, A., Jung, M., Bayas, J., Kallinowski, B., de la Mata, M., Duvoux, C., Neuhaus, P., Saliba, F., Buti, M., Zarski, J., Pons, F., Vanlemmens, C., Hamtiaux, V., Stoffel, M., & 39th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver. (2004). Immunogenicity and safety of a novel adjuvanted hepatitis B candidate vaccine in liver transplant patients. Journal of Hepatology, Vol. 40, p. 52 (2004).
UCL - Autre, Frederik Nevens, Jn Zuckerman, A Burroughs, Mc Jung, Jm Bayas, B Kallinowski, et al. 2004. “Immunogenicity and Safety of a Novel Adjuvanted Hepatitis B Candidate Vaccine in Liver Transplant Patients.” Journal of Hepatology, Vol. 40, p. 52 (2004).