Deformations of coisotropic submanifolds for fibrewise entire Poisson structures
Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands) [research center], et al. Deformations of Coisotropic Submanifolds for Fibrewise Entire Poisson Structures. 2013. EBSCOhost,
Department of Mathematics, U. U. (Utrecht, T. N. [research center], FCT through projects PTDC/MAT/098770/2008 and PTDC/MAT/099880/2008 [sponsor], Micinn Ryc-2009-04065, M.-08166-E. M.-22612, I. S. O. project S.-2011-0087 (Spain) [sponsor], ERC Starting Grant no. 279729 [sponsor], Utrecht University, U. T. N. [sponsor], Schatz, F., & Zambon, M. (2013). Deformations of coisotropic submanifolds for fibrewise entire Poisson structures.
Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands) [research center], FCT through projects PTDC/MAT/098770/2008 and PTDC/MAT/099880/2008 [sponsor], MTM2009-08166-E, MTM2011-22612, ICMAT Severo Ochoa project SEV-2011-0087 (Spain) [sponsor] Micinn Ryc-2009-04065, ERC Starting Grant no. 279729 [sponsor], Utrecht, The Netherlands) [sponsor] Utrecht University, Florian Schatz, and Marco Zambon. 2013. “Deformations of Coisotropic Submanifolds for Fibrewise Entire Poisson Structures.”