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Presence and importance of mycotoxins in pig feed
- Source :
- Veterinarski Glasnik
- Publication Year :
- 2010
- Mycotoxins present a significant problem in the diet of pigs. Secondary metabolites of fungi are toxic matter that have a negative effect on health and the performance of animals, as well as on the quality of their products. The creating of mycotosins is a complex process and it is difficult to predict which toxin will be produced and in which concentration. Food is most often contaminated by low concentrations of different mycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, fumonisinsi and zearalenone) which cause a series of undesired effects, depending on the amount that the animal has ingested into the organism. Mycotoxin interactions in the organism are complex, and they can have antagonistic, synergistic or a joint effect, depending on the combination and quantity in which they appear. The pig is a domestic animal which is most sensitive to the effects of mycotoxins. Long-term consumption of feed contaminated with mycotoxins results in a decline in production, a deterioration of the general health and reproductive disorders. One of the most important negative effects in pigs which receive low doses of mycotoxins in the longterm, is immunosuppression. Mycotoxins present very stable links that remain in raw materials and animal products for a long time and thus pose a major health risk for humans. .<br />Mikotoksini predstavljaju značajan problem u ishrani svinja. Sekundarni metaboliti plesni su toksične materije koje negativno utiču na zdravlje i proizvodne rezultate životinja, kao i na kvalitet njihovih proizvoda. Stvaranje mikotoksina je složen proces i teško je predvideti koji će toksin biti proizveden i u kojoj koncentraciji. Hranu najčešće kontaminiraju niske koncentracije različitih mikotoksina (aflatoksini, ohratoksini, trihoteceni, fumonizini i zearalenon) koji uzrokuju niz nepoželjnih uticaja, u zavisnosti od količine koju životinja unese u organizam. Interakcije mikotoksina u organizmu su kompleksne, a mogu imati antagonistički, sinergistički ili zbirni učinak, u zavisnosti od kombinacije i količine u kojoj se pojave. Svinja je jedna od najosetljivijih domaćih životinja na delovanje mikotoksina. Pri dugotrajnom konzumiranju hrane kontaminirane mikotoksinima dolazi do pada proizvodnje, pogoršanja opšteg zdravstvenog stanja i reproduktivnih poremećaja. Jedan od važnijih negativnih delovanja kod svinja koje dugo unose niske doze mikotoksina je imunosupresija. Mikotoksini predstavljaju vrlo stabilna jedinjenja koji dugo ostaju u sirovinama i životinjskim proizvodima i tako predstavljaju veliki rizik i za zdravlje ljudi. .
- Database :
- OAIster
- Journal :
- Veterinarski Glasnik
- Notes :
- Veterinarski Glasnik
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1159599500
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource