Protocol for the development of core set of domains of the core outcome set for patients with congenital melanocytic naevi (OCOMEN project)
Oei, W.(W. .., et al. Protocol for the Development of Core Set of Domains of the Core Outcome Set for Patients with Congenital Melanocytic Naevi (OCOMEN Project). 2019. EBSCOhost,
Oei, W. (W. ., Fledderus, A. C. (A. C. ., Korfage, I. J. (Ida), Eggen, B. J. (Bart), Horst, C. M. A. M. (Chantal) van der, Spuls, P. I. (Phyllis), Brinkmann, S. J. H. (S. J. H. ., Wolkerstorfer, A. (Albert), van Kessel, M. (M. ., & Pasmans, S. G. M. A. (Suzanne). (2019). Protocol for the development of core set of domains of the core outcome set for patients with congenital melanocytic naevi (OCOMEN project).
Oei, W. (W.), A.C. (A. C.) Fledderus, I.J. (Ida) Korfage, B.J. (Bart) Eggen, C.M.A.M. (Chantal) van der Horst, P.I. (Phyllis) Spuls, S.J.H. (S. J.H.) Brinkmann, A. (Albert) Wolkerstorfer, M. (M.) van Kessel, and S.G.M.A. (Suzanne) Pasmans. 2019. “Protocol for the Development of Core Set of Domains of the Core Outcome Set for Patients with Congenital Melanocytic Naevi (OCOMEN Project).”