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Evolucija patuljastih galaksija u jatima galaksija male mase
- Publication Year :
- 2017
- U okviru ove disertacije ce biti predstavljeni rezultati analize formiranja, rasprostranjenosti i evolucije patuljastih galaksija iz kosmoloških simulacija. Bice predstavljena prva kosmološka simulacija koja je u potpunosti izvedena i analizirana u Srbiji. Iz dobijenih rezultata je pokazano kako se formirala struktura na velikim skalama, pre svega kako se formiraju jata galaksija. Kako su jata galaksija dominantne strukture u svemiru, koje se relativno sporo formiraju u odnosu na postojanje svemira, korišcenjem Ilustris simulacije, u kojoj je ukljucena kompletna fizika, bice pokazano da znacajan deo jata galaksija nije u stanju dinamicke ravnoteže, kako neki autori tvrde, odnosno da su u procesu formiranja i danas. Dobijeni rezultati ce biti iskorišceni da se jata galaksija podele na tri tipa: jata u interakciji, jata koja interaguju sa manjim grupama (slabo interagujuca jata) i jata galaksija koja nisu u interakciji. Kako patuljaste galaksije po svom broju cine najveci broj galaksija u svemiru, a pogotovu u jatima, ovo postavlja pitanje kako trenutni procesi u kojima se jato nalazi uticu na strukturu i rasprostranjenost razlicitog tipa patuljastih galaksija. Nakon kratkog pregleda danas poznatih tipova patuljastih galaksija, pokazacemo da postoji osetljivost rasprostranjenosti patuljastih nepravilnih galaksija u odnosu na to da li je maticno jato galaksija u interakciji ili ne. Kako se pretpostavlja da su patuljaste nepravilne galaksije prethodnici za formiranje najbrojnijih tipova patuljastih galaksija, ovo bi moglo da ukaže na dominantan kanal dopremanja tih galaksija u jata galaksija gde se ocekuje da dožive morfološku transformaciju. Na kraju ce biti predstavljeno otkrice dva kanala formiranja za kompaktne elipticne galaksije u jatima galaksija...<br />Within this dissertation results from the analysis of formation, abundance and evolution of the dwarf galaxies from cosmological simulations will be presented. We will present results from first cosmological simulation which was performed and analyzed in its entirety in Serbia. From the obtained results it was shown how the large scale structure formed, primarily the formation of clusters of galaxies. Since the clusters of galaxies are dominant structures in the universe, which are relatively slowly forming in relation to the existence of the universe, using the Illustris cosmological simulation, with included hydrodynamics, it will be shown that a significant part of the clusters of galaxies are not in the state of dynamic equilibrium, as some authors claim, therefore their formation process continues. The obtained results will be used to divide the clusters of galaxies into three types: interacting clusters, clusters interacting with smaller groups (weakly interacting clusters), and clusters of galaxies that are not interacting. As the dwarf galaxies constitute largest number of galaxies in the universe, notably largest number in the clusters of galaxies, this raises the question how cluster’s interactions affect the structure and abundance of a diverse type of dwarf galaxies within them. After a brief review of today’s known types of dwarf galaxies, we will show that there is susceptibility of the abundance of dwarf irregular galaxies in relation to whether the parent cluster of galaxies is in interaction or not. As it is assumed that the dwarf irregular galaxies are predecessors for the formation of the most numerous types of dwarf galaxies, this could point to the dominant channel of delivering these galaxies to clusters of galaxies where they are expected to undergo morphological transformation. In the end, the discovery of two formation channels for compact elliptical galaxies in the clusters of galaxies will be presented...
- Database :
- OAIster
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1242111411
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource