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Effects of bacterial-enzyme inoculant on chemical composition and quality of lucerne and potato silage

Authors :
Djordjević, Nenad
Djordjević, Nenad
Grubić, Goran
Pavličević, Arandjel
Koljajić, Viliman
Djordjević, Nenad
Djordjević, Nenad
Grubić, Goran
Pavličević, Arandjel
Koljajić, Viliman
Source :
Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research
Publication Year :


Ensiling of lucerne of the second cut at the beginning of flowering, with or without bacterial-enzyme preparation (inoculant) Sill-All (produced by Alltech Inc.) was done in experimental silos. Raw and boiled potato was used as the carbohydrate additive at the amount of 30% of fresh lucerne mass. The experiment was organised as two-factorial (2 x 3, n=3), where factor A was inoculant (a1 = without inoculant, a2 = with inoculant), and factor V was the type of the carbohydrate additive (b1 = alfalfa without additives-control, b2 = alfalfa + raw potato, b3 = alfalfa + boiled potato). Experimental silos were opened after 60 days and parameters of chemical composition and silage quality were examined, AOAC, 1984. Obtained results were evaluated by analyses of variance using Tukey's test of significance, Snedecor and Cochran, 1982. The use of Sill-All inoculant significantly decreased of the crude fibre content, and on reduced synthesis of lactic, acetic and butyric acid. Heat processing of potato inactivated undesirable micro flora and achieved partial starch gelatinisation. As a result treatments with boiled potato had the lowest pH values, and the level of ammonia and soluble nitrogen. At the same time, they had the highest amount of lactic acid. Treatments with raw potato showed the lowest silage quality, therefore this kind of additive is not recommendable for practical use.<br />U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj bakterijsko-enzimskog inokulanta Sill-All-a na hemijski sastav i kvalitet silaža lucerke, sa sirovim ili kuvanim krompirom kao ugljenohidratnim dodatkom. U ukupno šest ispitivanih tretmana sa po tri ponavljanja ustanovljeno je da je pod uticajem korišćenog biološkog dodatka došlo do značajnog smanjenja količine sirove celuloze, kao i do redukcije sinteze mlečne, sirćetne i buterne kiseline. Termičkom obradom krompira inaktivirana je nepoželjna mikroflora i podstaknuto razlaganje skroba, što je doprinelo postizanju nižih pH vrednosti, većoj sintezi mlečne kiseline i manjem intenzitetu proteolize.


Database :
Journal :
Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research
Notes :
Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource