Ionospheric Effects of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in 2009: Results of Simulation with the First Version of the EAGLE Model
Russian Science Foundation, et al. Ionospheric Effects of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in 2009: Results of Simulation with the First Version of the EAGLE Model. 2018. EBSCOhost,
Russian Science Foundation, Klimenko, M. V., Bessarab, F. S., Sukhodolov, T. V., Klimenko, V. V., Koren’kov, Y. N., Zakharenkova, I. E., Chirik, N. V., Vasil’ev, P. A., Kulyamin, D. V., Shmidt, K., Funke, B., & Rozanov, E. V. (2018). Ionospheric Effects of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in 2009: Results of Simulation with the First Version of the EAGLE Model.
Russian Science Foundation, M.V. Klimenko, F. S. Bessarab, T. V. Sukhodolov, V.V. Klimenko, Yu. N. Koren’kov, I. E. Zakharenkova, et al. 2018. “Ionospheric Effects of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming in 2009: Results of Simulation with the First Version of the EAGLE Model.”