Standing on the shoulders of barricades : visual, rhetorical, (non-)violent and historical interconnectedness in protest groups
Logt, M.van de, and M.van de Logt. “Standing on the Shoulders of Barricades : Visual, Rhetorical, (Non-)Violent and Historical Interconnectedness in Protest Groups.” Bachelor Thesis; Degree Granted by Tilburg University. TSHD. Liberal Arts and Sciences; Supervisor(s): A.J.A. Bijsterveld; 34 P, 2021. EBSCOhost,
Logt, M. van de, & Logt, M. van de. (2021). Standing on the shoulders of barricades : visual, rhetorical, (non-)violent and historical interconnectedness in protest groups. Bachelor Thesis; Degree Granted by Tilburg University. TSHD. Liberal Arts and Sciences; Supervisor(s): A.J.A. Bijsterveld; 34 P.
Logt, M. van de, and M. van de Logt. 2021. “Standing on the Shoulders of Barricades : Visual, Rhetorical, (Non-)Violent and Historical Interconnectedness in Protest Groups.” Bachelor Thesis; Degree Granted by Tilburg University. TSHD. Liberal Arts and Sciences; Supervisor(s): A.J.A. Bijsterveld; 34 P.