Geological Map No. 2 / prepared by J. S. Newberry M.D. geologist to the expedition.
Newberry, J. S.(John Strong), 1822-1892, geologist. ..Ives, J. C. ..explorer. ..Egloffstein, F. W. ..1824-1885, topographer. ..Humphreys, A. A.(Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883, director. ..Floyd, John B.(John Buchanan), 1806-1863, orderer. ..Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, ruler. ..Courtenay, F. ..letterer. ..Dahl, James, former owner. ..United States.Office of Explorations and Surveys, director., and J. S.(John Strong), 1822-1892, geologist. ..Ives, J. C. ..explorer. ..Egloffstein, F. W. ..1824-1885, topographer. ..Humphreys, A. A.(Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883, director. ..Floyd, John B.(John Buchanan), 1806-1863, orderer. ..Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, ruler. ..Courtenay, F. ..letterer. ..Dahl, James, former owner. ..United States.Office of Explorations and Surveys, director. Newberry. “Geological Map No. 2 / Prepared by J. S. Newberry M.D. Geologist to the Expedition.” A 760320 W1153300 W1082700 N0371500 N0343000. EBSCOhost, Accessed 2 Dec. 2024.
Newberry, J. S. (John S. 1822-1892, geologist. . I. J. C. . explorer. . E. F. W. . 1824-1885, topographer. . H. A. A. (Andrew A. 1810-1883, director. . F. J. B. (John B. 1806-1863, orderer. . S. S. 1830-1906, ruler. . C. F. . letterer. . D. J. former owner. . U. S. O. of E. and S. director., & Newberry, J. S. (John S. 1822-1892, geologist. . I. J. C. . explorer. . E. F. W. . 1824-1885, topographer. . H. A. A. (Andrew A. 1810-1883, director. . F. J. B. (John B. 1806-1863, orderer. . S. S. 1830-1906, ruler. . C. F. . letterer. . D. J. former owner. . U. S. O. of E. and S. director. (n.d.). Geological Map No. 2 / prepared by J. S. Newberry M.D. geologist to the expedition. A 760320 W1153300 W1082700 N0371500 N0343000.
Newberry, J. S. (John Strong), 1822-1892, geologist.; Ives, J. C., explorer.; Egloffstein, F. W., 1824-1885, topographer.; Humphreys, A. A. (Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883, director.; Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863, orderer.; Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, ruler.; Courtenay, F., letterer.; Dahl, James, former owner.; United States. Office of Explorations and Surveys, director., and J. S. (John Strong), 1822-1892, geologist.; Ives, J. C., explorer.; Egloffstein, F. W., 1824-1885, topographer.; Humphreys, A. A. (Andrew Atkinson), 1810-1883, director.; Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863, orderer.; Sartain, Samuel, 1830-1906, ruler.; Courtenay, F., letterer.; Dahl, James, former owner.; United States. Office of Explorations and Surveys, director. Newberry. 2024. “Geological Map No. 2 / Prepared by J. S. Newberry M.D. Geologist to the Expedition.” A 760320 W1153300 W1082700 N0371500 N0343000. Accessed December 2.