Re-irradiation with curative intent in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: a national survey of usual practice on behalf of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology (AIRO)
Maddalo, M., et al. Re-Irradiation with Curative Intent in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: A National Survey of Usual Practice on Behalf of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology (AIRO). 2018. EBSCOhost,
Maddalo, M., Bonomo, P., Belgioia, L., Bacigalupo, A., Donato, V., Alterio, D., Orlandi, E., Argenone, A., Merlotti, A., Musio, D., Trignani, M., Ursino, S., Arcangeli, S., Furlan, C., Osti, M., Maddalo M, Bonomo P, Belgioia L, Bacigalupo A, … Osti MF. (2018). Re-irradiation with curative intent in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: a national survey of usual practice on behalf of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology (AIRO).
Maddalo, M, P Bonomo, L Belgioia, A Bacigalupo, V Donato, D Alterio, E Orlandi, et al. 2018. “Re-Irradiation with Curative Intent in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: A National Survey of Usual Practice on Behalf of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology (AIRO).”