The Italian compassionate use of sofosbuvir observational cohort study for the treatment of recurrent hepatitis C: clinical and virological outcomes
Carrai, P., et al. The Italian Compassionate Use of Sofosbuvir Observational Cohort Study for the Treatment of Recurrent Hepatitis C: Clinical and Virological Outcomes. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Carrai, P., Morelli, C., Cordone, G., Romano, A., Tame, M., Lionetti, R., Pietrosi, G., Lenci, I., Piai, G., Russo, F., Coppola, C., Melazzini, M., Montilla, S., Pani, L., Petraglia, S., Russo, P., Trotta, M., Martini, S., Toniutto, P., … Zignego A. L. (2017). The Italian compassionate use of sofosbuvir observational cohort study for the treatment of recurrent hepatitis C: clinical and virological outcomes.
Carrai, P, C Morelli, G Cordone, A Romano, M Tame, R Lionetti, G Pietrosi, et al. 2017. “The Italian Compassionate Use of Sofosbuvir Observational Cohort Study for the Treatment of Recurrent Hepatitis C: Clinical and Virological Outcomes.”