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Science goals and mission architecture of the Europa Lander mission concept

Authors :
Hand, Kevin P.
Phillips, Cynthia B.
Murray, Alison E.
Garvin, James B.
Maize, Earl H.
Gibbs, Roger G.
Reeves, Glenn
San Martin, A. Miguel
Tan-Wang, Grace H.
Krajewski, Joel
Hurst, Kenneth
Crum, Ray
Kennedy, Brett A.
McElrath, Timothy P.
Gallon, John C.
Sabahi, Dara
Thurman, Sam W.
Goldstein, Barry
Estabrook, Polly
Lee, Steven W.
Dooley, Jennifer A.
Brinckerhoff, William B.
Edgett, Kenneth S.
German, Christopher R.
Hoehler, Tori M.
Hörst, Sarah M.
Lunine, Jonathan I.
Paranicas, Christopher
Nealson, Kenneth H.
Smith, David E.
Templeton, Alexis S.
Russell, Michael J.
Schmidt, Britney E.
Christner, Brent C.
Ehlmann, Bethany L.
Hayes, Alexander
Rhoden, Alyssa
Willis, Peter
Yingst, R. Aileen
Craft, Kate
Cameron, Marissa E.
Nordheim, Tom A.
Pitesky, Jo
Scully, Jennifer
Hofgartner, Jason D.
Sell, Steve W.
Barltrop, Kevin J.
Izraelevitz, Jacob
Brandon, Erik J.
Seong, J.
Jones, John-Paul
Pasalic, Jasmina
Billings, Keith J.
Ruiz, John Paul
Bugga, Ratnakumar V.
Graham, Dan
Arenas, L. A.
Takeyama, Deidre
Drummond, Mai
Aghazarian, Hrand
Andersen, Allen J.
Andersen, Kayla B.
Anderson, E. W.
Babuscia, Alessandra
Backes, Paul G.
Bailey, Elizabeth S.
Balentine, Daniel
Ballard, Christopher G.
Berisford, Daniel F.
Bhandari, Pradeep
Blackwood, Krys
Bolotin, Gary S.
Bovre, Emilee A.
Bowkett, Joseph
Boykins, Kobie T.
Bramble, Michael S.
Brice, Timothy M.
Briggs, Paul
Brinkman, Alexander P.
Brooks, Shawn M.
Buffington, Brent B.
Burns, Brandon
Cable, Morgan L.
Cangahuala, Laureano A.
Carr, Gregory A.
Casani, John R.
Chahat, Nacer E.
Chamberlain-Simon, Brendan K.
Cheng, Yun-Ting
Chien, Steve A.
Cook, B. T.
Cooper, Moogega
Dinicola, Michael
Clement, Brian G.
Dean, Zachary S.
Cullimore, Emily A.
Curtis, Aaron G.
de la Croix, Jean-Pierre
Di Pasquale, Peter
Dodd, Emma M.
Dubord, Luke A.
Edlund, Jeffrey A.
Ellyin, Raymond
Emanuel, Blair
Foster, Jeffrey T.
Ganino, Anthony J.
Garner, Gregory J.
Gibson, Matt T.
Gildner, Matt
Glazebrook, Kenneth J.
Greco, Martin E.
Green, W. M.
Hatch, Sara J.
Hetzel, Mark M.
Hoey, William A.
Hofmann, Amy E.
Ionasescu, Rodica
Jain, Abhinandan
Jasper, Jay D.
Johannesen, Jennie R.
Johnson, Glenn K.
Jun, Insoo
Katake, Anup B.
Kim-Castet, So Young
Kim, David Inkyu
Kim, Wousik
Klonicki, Emily F.
Kobeissi, Brad
Kobie, Bryan D.
Kochocki, Joseph
Kokorowski, Michael
Kosberg, Jacob A.
Kriechbaum, Kristopher
Kulkarni, Tejas P.
Lam, Rebekah L.
Landau, Damon F.
Lattimore, Myra A.
Laubach, Sharon L.
Lawler, Christopher R.
Lim, Grace
Li, Jui-Lin
Litwin, Todd E.
Lo, Martin W.
Logan, Cambria A.
Maghasoudi, Elham
Mandrake, Lukas
Marchetti, Yuliya
Marteau, Eloise
Maxwell, Kimberly A.
McNamee, John B.
McIntyre, Ocean
Meacham, Michael
Melko, Joseph P.
Mueller, Juergen
Muliere, David
Mysore, Aprameya
Nash, Jeremy
Ono, Masahiro
Parker, Jay M.
Perkins, Rebecca C.
Petropoulos, Anastassios E.
Gaut, Aaron
Piette Gomez, Marie Y.
Casillas, Raul Polit
Preudhomme, Michael
Pyrzak, Guy
Rapinchuk, Jacqueline
Ratliff, John Martin
Ray, T. L.
Roberts, Eric T.
Roffo, Kenneth
Roth, Duane C.
Russino, Joseph A.
Schmidt, Tyler M.
Schoppers, Marcel J.
Senent, Juan S.
Serricchio, Fred
Sheldon, Douglas J.
Shiraishi, Lori R.
Shirvanian, James
Siegel, Katherine J.
Singh, Gurjeet
Sirota, Allen R.
Skulsky, Eli D.
Stehly, Joseph S.
Strange, Nathan J.
Stevens, Sarah U.
Sunada, Eric T.
Tepsuporn, Scott P.
Tosi, Luis Phillipe C.
Trawny, Nikolas
Uchenik, Igor
Verma, Vandi
Volpe, Richard A.
Wagner, Caleb T.
Wang, D.
Willson, Reg G.
Wolff, John Luke
Wong, A. T.
Zimmer, Aline K.
Sukhatme, Kalyani G.
Bago, Kevin A.
Chen, Yang
Deardorff, Alyssa M.
Kuch, Roger S.
Lim, Christopher
Syvertson, Marguerite L.
Arakaki, Genji A.
Avila, Art
DeBruin, Kevin J.
Frick, Andreas
Harris, Joby R.
Heverly, Matthew C.
Kawata, Jessie M.
Kim‬, Sung-Kyun
Kipp, Devin M.
Murphy, Juliana
Smith, Matthew W.
Spaulding, Matthew D.
Thakker, Rohan
Warner, Noah Z.
Yahnker, Chris R.
Young, M. E.
Magner, Tom
Adams, Danica
Bedini, Peter
Mehr, Lauren
Sheldon, Colin
Vernon, Steven
Bailey, Vince
Briere, Marc
Butler, Michael
Davis, Amanda
Ensor, Susan
Gannon, Michele
Haapala-Chalk, Amanda
Hartka, Ted
Holdridge, Mark
Hong, Albert
Hunt, J.
Iskow, Joe
Kahler, Faith
Murray, Kimberly
Napolillo, David
Norkus, Michael
Pfisterer, Rick
Porter, Jamie
Roth, David
Schwartz, Paul
Wolfarth, Lawrence
Cardiff, Eric
Davis, Anita
Grob, Eric W.
Adam, Jason R.
Betts, Erin
Norwood, Jason
Heller, M. M.
Voskuilen, Tyler
Sakievich, Philip
Gray, L.
Hansen, D. J.
Irick, Kevin W.
Hewson, John C.
Lamb, Joshua
Stacy, S. C.
Brotherton, Chris M.
Tappan, Alexander S.
Benally, Darryl
Thigpen, Hannah
Ortiz, Erick
Sandoval, Dan
Ison, Aaron M.
Warren, M.
Stromberg, Peter G.
Thelen, Paul Mark
Blasy, B.
Nandy, Prabal
Haddad, Alexandria W.
Trujillo, Lynna B.
Wiseley, T. H.
Bell, S. A.
Teske, Nicholas P.
Post, C.
Torres-Castro, Loraine
Grosso, Chris
Wasiolek, Maryla
Hand, Kevin P.
Phillips, Cynthia B.
Murray, Alison E.
Garvin, James B.
Maize, Earl H.
Gibbs, Roger G.
Reeves, Glenn
San Martin, A. Miguel
Tan-Wang, Grace H.
Krajewski, Joel
Hurst, Kenneth
Crum, Ray
Kennedy, Brett A.
McElrath, Timothy P.
Gallon, John C.
Sabahi, Dara
Thurman, Sam W.
Goldstein, Barry
Estabrook, Polly
Lee, Steven W.
Dooley, Jennifer A.
Brinckerhoff, William B.
Edgett, Kenneth S.
German, Christopher R.
Hoehler, Tori M.
Hörst, Sarah M.
Lunine, Jonathan I.
Paranicas, Christopher
Nealson, Kenneth H.
Smith, David E.
Templeton, Alexis S.
Russell, Michael J.
Schmidt, Britney E.
Christner, Brent C.
Ehlmann, Bethany L.
Hayes, Alexander
Rhoden, Alyssa
Willis, Peter
Yingst, R. Aileen
Craft, Kate
Cameron, Marissa E.
Nordheim, Tom A.
Pitesky, Jo
Scully, Jennifer
Hofgartner, Jason D.
Sell, Steve W.
Barltrop, Kevin J.
Izraelevitz, Jacob
Brandon, Erik J.
Seong, J.
Jones, John-Paul
Pasalic, Jasmina
Billings, Keith J.
Ruiz, John Paul
Bugga, Ratnakumar V.
Graham, Dan
Arenas, L. A.
Takeyama, Deidre
Drummond, Mai
Aghazarian, Hrand
Andersen, Allen J.
Andersen, Kayla B.
Anderson, E. W.
Babuscia, Alessandra
Backes, Paul G.
Bailey, Elizabeth S.
Balentine, Daniel
Ballard, Christopher G.
Berisford, Daniel F.
Bhandari, Pradeep
Blackwood, Krys
Bolotin, Gary S.
Bovre, Emilee A.
Bowkett, Joseph
Boykins, Kobie T.
Bramble, Michael S.
Brice, Timothy M.
Briggs, Paul
Brinkman, Alexander P.
Brooks, Shawn M.
Buffington, Brent B.
Burns, Brandon
Cable, Morgan L.
Cangahuala, Laureano A.
Carr, Gregory A.
Casani, John R.
Chahat, Nacer E.
Chamberlain-Simon, Brendan K.
Cheng, Yun-Ting
Chien, Steve A.
Cook, B. T.
Cooper, Moogega
Dinicola, Michael
Clement, Brian G.
Dean, Zachary S.
Cullimore, Emily A.
Curtis, Aaron G.
de la Croix, Jean-Pierre
Di Pasquale, Peter
Dodd, Emma M.
Dubord, Luke A.
Edlund, Jeffrey A.
Ellyin, Raymond
Emanuel, Blair
Foster, Jeffrey T.
Ganino, Anthony J.
Garner, Gregory J.
Gibson, Matt T.
Gildner, Matt
Glazebrook, Kenneth J.
Greco, Martin E.
Green, W. M.
Hatch, Sara J.
Hetzel, Mark M.
Hoey, William A.
Hofmann, Amy E.
Ionasescu, Rodica
Jain, Abhinandan
Jasper, Jay D.
Johannesen, Jennie R.
Johnson, Glenn K.
Jun, Insoo
Katake, Anup B.
Kim-Castet, So Young
Kim, David Inkyu
Kim, Wousik
Klonicki, Emily F.
Kobeissi, Brad
Kobie, Bryan D.
Kochocki, Joseph
Kokorowski, Michael
Kosberg, Jacob A.
Kriechbaum, Kristopher
Kulkarni, Tejas P.
Lam, Rebekah L.
Landau, Damon F.
Lattimore, Myra A.
Laubach, Sharon L.
Lawler, Christopher R.
Lim, Grace
Li, Jui-Lin
Litwin, Todd E.
Lo, Martin W.
Logan, Cambria A.
Maghasoudi, Elham
Mandrake, Lukas
Marchetti, Yuliya
Marteau, Eloise
Maxwell, Kimberly A.
McNamee, John B.
McIntyre, Ocean
Meacham, Michael
Melko, Joseph P.
Mueller, Juergen
Muliere, David
Mysore, Aprameya
Nash, Jeremy
Ono, Masahiro
Parker, Jay M.
Perkins, Rebecca C.
Petropoulos, Anastassios E.
Gaut, Aaron
Piette Gomez, Marie Y.
Casillas, Raul Polit
Preudhomme, Michael
Pyrzak, Guy
Rapinchuk, Jacqueline
Ratliff, John Martin
Ray, T. L.
Roberts, Eric T.
Roffo, Kenneth
Roth, Duane C.
Russino, Joseph A.
Schmidt, Tyler M.
Schoppers, Marcel J.
Senent, Juan S.
Serricchio, Fred
Sheldon, Douglas J.
Shiraishi, Lori R.
Shirvanian, James
Siegel, Katherine J.
Singh, Gurjeet
Sirota, Allen R.
Skulsky, Eli D.
Stehly, Joseph S.
Strange, Nathan J.
Stevens, Sarah U.
Sunada, Eric T.
Tepsuporn, Scott P.
Tosi, Luis Phillipe C.
Trawny, Nikolas
Uchenik, Igor
Verma, Vandi
Volpe, Richard A.
Wagner, Caleb T.
Wang, D.
Willson, Reg G.
Wolff, John Luke
Wong, A. T.
Zimmer, Aline K.
Sukhatme, Kalyani G.
Bago, Kevin A.
Chen, Yang
Deardorff, Alyssa M.
Kuch, Roger S.
Lim, Christopher
Syvertson, Marguerite L.
Arakaki, Genji A.
Avila, Art
DeBruin, Kevin J.
Frick, Andreas
Harris, Joby R.
Heverly, Matthew C.
Kawata, Jessie M.
Kim‬, Sung-Kyun
Kipp, Devin M.
Murphy, Juliana
Smith, Matthew W.
Spaulding, Matthew D.
Thakker, Rohan
Warner, Noah Z.
Yahnker, Chris R.
Young, M. E.
Magner, Tom
Adams, Danica
Bedini, Peter
Mehr, Lauren
Sheldon, Colin
Vernon, Steven
Bailey, Vince
Briere, Marc
Butler, Michael
Davis, Amanda
Ensor, Susan
Gannon, Michele
Haapala-Chalk, Amanda
Hartka, Ted
Holdridge, Mark
Hong, Albert
Hunt, J.
Iskow, Joe
Kahler, Faith
Murray, Kimberly
Napolillo, David
Norkus, Michael
Pfisterer, Rick
Porter, Jamie
Roth, David
Schwartz, Paul
Wolfarth, Lawrence
Cardiff, Eric
Davis, Anita
Grob, Eric W.
Adam, Jason R.
Betts, Erin
Norwood, Jason
Heller, M. M.
Voskuilen, Tyler
Sakievich, Philip
Gray, L.
Hansen, D. J.
Irick, Kevin W.
Hewson, John C.
Lamb, Joshua
Stacy, S. C.
Brotherton, Chris M.
Tappan, Alexander S.
Benally, Darryl
Thigpen, Hannah
Ortiz, Erick
Sandoval, Dan
Ison, Aaron M.
Warren, M.
Stromberg, Peter G.
Thelen, Paul Mark
Blasy, B.
Nandy, Prabal
Haddad, Alexandria W.
Trujillo, Lynna B.
Wiseley, T. H.
Bell, S. A.
Teske, Nicholas P.
Post, C.
Torres-Castro, Loraine
Grosso, Chris
Wasiolek, Maryla
Publication Year :


© The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Hand, K., Phillips, C., Murray, A., Garvin, J., Maize, E., Gibbs, R., Reeves, G., San Martin, A., Tan-Wang, G., Krajewski, J., Hurst, K., Crum, R., Kennedy, B., McElrath, T., Gallon, J., Sabahi, D., Thurman, S., Goldstein, B., Estabrook, P., Lee, S. W., Dooley, J. A., Brinckerhoff, W. B., Edgett, K. S., German, C. R., Hoehler, T. M., Hörst, S. M., Lunine, J. I., Paranicas, C., Nealson, K., Smith, D. E., Templeton, A. S., Russell, M. J., Schmidt, B., Christner, B., Ehlmann, B., Hayes, A., Rhoden, A., Willis, P., Yingst, R. A., Craft, K., Cameron, M. E., Nordheim, T., Pitesky, J., Scully, J., Hofgartner, J., Sell, S. W., Barltrop, K. J., Izraelevitz, J., Brandon, E. J., Seong, J., Jones, J.-P., Pasalic, J., Billings, K. J., Ruiz, J. P., Bugga, R. V., Graham, D., Arenas, L. A., Takeyama, D., Drummond, M., Aghazarian, H., Andersen, A. J., Andersen, K. B., Anderson, E. W., Babuscia, A., Backes, P. G., Bailey, E. S., Balentine, D., Ballard, C. G., Berisford, D. F., Bhandari, P., Blackwood, K., Bolotin, G. S., Bovre, E. A., Bowkett, J., Boykins, K. T., Bramble, M. S., Brice, T. M., Briggs, P., Brinkman, A. P., Brooks, S. M., Buffington, B. B., Burns, B., Cable, M. L., Campagnola, S., Cangahuala, L. A., Carr, G. A., Casani, J. R., Chahat, N. E., Chamberlain-Simon, B. K., Cheng, Y., Chien, S. A., Cook, B. T., Cooper, M., DiNicola, M., Clement, B., Dean, Z., Cullimore, E. A., Curtis, A. G., Croix, J-P. de la, Pasquale, P. Di, Dodd, E. M., Dubord, L. A., Edlund, J. A., Ellyin, R., Emanuel, B., Foster, J. T., Ganino, A. J., Garner, G. J., Gibson, M. T., Gildner, M., Glazebrook, K. J., Greco, M. E., Green, W. M., Hatch, S. J., Hetzel, M. M., Hoey, W. A., Hofmann, A. E., Ionasescu, R., Jain, A., Jasper, J. D., Johannesen, J. R., Johnson, G. K., Jun, I., Katake, A. B., Kim-Castet, S. Y., Kim, D. I., Kim, W., Klonicki, E. F., Kobeis<br />Europa is a premier target for advancing both planetary science and astrobiology, as well as for opening a new window into the burgeoning field of comparative oceanography. The potentially habitable subsurface ocean of Europa may harbor life, and the globally young and comparatively thin ice shell of Europa may contain biosignatures that are readily accessible to a surface lander. Europa's icy shell also offers the opportunity to study tectonics and geologic cycles across a range of mechanisms and compositions. Here we detail the goals and mission architecture of the Europa Lander mission concept, as developed from 2015 through 2020. The science was developed by the 2016 Europa Lander Science Definition Team (SDT), and the mission architecture was developed by the preproject engineering team, in close collaboration with the SDT. In 2017 and 2018, the mission concept passed its mission concept review and delta-mission concept review, respectively. Since that time, the preproject has been advancing the technologies, and developing the hardware and software, needed to retire risks associated with technology, science, cost, and schedule.<br />K.P.H., C.B.P., E.M., and all authors affiliated with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory carried out this research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (grant No. 80NM0018D0004). J.I.L. was the David Baltimore Distinguished Visiting Scientist during the preparation of the SDT report. JPL/Caltech2021.


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Electronic Resource