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The Southern 1958-05-02

Authors :
Byington, Charles
Anderson, Cortland
Mundy, Wayne
Yates, Janet
Wille, Paul
Schwartz, Carolyn
Layton, Sandra
Fox, Jane
Nolen, Mike
Shipp, Connie
Auld, Marilyn
Withee, Lianne
Scott, Susan
Miller, Dick
Hamilton, Leon
Hughes, Tom
Jones, Judith
Akins, Ron
Satterfield, Gary
Ratigan, Tom
Kayser, Ann
Rule, Robert W.
Harpole, Leon
Hussey, Bill
Byington, Charles
Anderson, Cortland
Mundy, Wayne
Yates, Janet
Wille, Paul
Schwartz, Carolyn
Layton, Sandra
Fox, Jane
Nolen, Mike
Shipp, Connie
Auld, Marilyn
Withee, Lianne
Scott, Susan
Miller, Dick
Hamilton, Leon
Hughes, Tom
Jones, Judith
Akins, Ron
Satterfield, Gary
Ratigan, Tom
Kayser, Ann
Rule, Robert W.
Harpole, Leon
Hussey, Bill


vol. 71 no. 26<br />LOIS HAIGHT . . . Miss Interlachen (p. 1) -- ANN KAYSER . . . Named (p. 1) -- TOM HAMILTON . . . New President (p. 1) -- QUEEN CONTESTANTS--Above are 14 of the 22 contestants who will vie for Queen of the 12th Annual Tep Hop on May 10 at the old Civic Center. Contestants are chosen by each sorority and fraternity on campus. From left to right, front row, are: Donna Wink, SPE; Judy Bradley, Sigma Chi; Anne Aldrich, SAE; Emeline Riddle, Pi Kappa Phi; Sandy Clockadale, BSO; Lois Haight, Phi Mu; Jean Sprangler, Alpha Chi Omega. Second row, left to right: Evelyn Myers, Lambda Chi Alpha; Sue McDonald, DZ; Millie Clements, Kappa Sigma Phi; Mary Lou Cunningham, KD; Judy Bottom, AOPi; Mary Ogletree, TKE, and Cindy Cronwall, Sigma Sigma Sigma. (p. 1). JANE (p. 3) -- CONTRIBUTION FOR CANCER--Ralph Melton (left), treasurer for this year's Lakeland Cancer Crusade, accepts a check for $200.26 from members of Phi Mu sorority and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. The money represents funds raised through a dance sponosored by the two organizations. From left to right, Melton, Frank Hardy, Sylvia Firth, Elaine Stephens and Dean Sims. (p. 3). RICHARD TATRO . . . In summer stock (p. 4) -- ROBERT LOTT . . . Technician-actor (p. 4). MAKE PLANS FOR ROLLINS--Coach Hal Smeltzly is shown as he talks with pitcher Ken Hallenborg and Captain Billy Morel prior to opening a crucial two game series with Rollins. (p. 5). GENERAL VISITS COLLEGE--Lt. Gen. Crump Garvin, center, of the Third U. S. Army Headquarters, is shown here with Lt. Col. Willaim R. Nealson, head of the ROTC program at Florida Southern College, left, and Lt. Col. Robert Lavitt, who will succeed Col. Nealson at the close of the school year. Gen. Garvin vistited the ROTC installation last Friday in his first stop in a tour of the ROTC college programs in the state. (p. 6).<br />1-6


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Notes :
image/jpeg, Lois Haight Chose Interlachen Queen -- Lilley Elected State TB Head -- Alumni Group Plans Meeting Tomorrow -- Two Attend Convention Of Press Association -- Students Get Final Notice -- Kappa Alpha To Get Charter Next Week -- Coed Announced As Next Southern Business Manager -- Hamilton Elected SGA President; Hunter, Marshall Also Victorious: Runoffs Decide Five Positions In Class Races / By Dick Miller -- Charter Given New Sorority -- Americans Warned Of Menace Caused By Their Attitudes -- Vagabonds Rehearse For Final Production -- Professor Authors Chapter In New Book -- The Cheating Problem -- Social Calender -- Business Fraternity Marks Anniversary -- Phys. Ed. Group Meets -- RELIGION ON CAMPUS: Definitions Not Necessary To Faith / By Sandra Layton -- Deposit Required -- SOUTHERN EXPOSURE: Exam Week Fades Away But The Wrecks Remain / By Jane Fox -- Study Scheduled -- Dolphins Plan Ballet -- 10 Attend Conference On Government Work -- Organ Recital Planned -- Program Scheduled By FSC Concert Band At Military Academy -- Student-Actors get Summer Theater Jobs -- THE DIRECTOR AS EXPLORER: Alfred Hitchcock Comments On Science, Plugs His New Film / By Alfred Hitchcock -- WITH MUNDY ON FRIDAY: Golfers Look To Future After 'Successful' Year / By Wayne Mundy -- Southern Eyes Baseball Crown In Rollins Series / By Tom Ratigan -- Water Mocs To Race In Dad Vail Regatta -- Tournament Tonight -- IN TAMPA TOMORROW: Water Mocs Favored In State Race -- Tennis Team Ends Season With Two Straight Losses / By Tom Hughes -- Coeds Finally Win Bermuda Shorts Fight -- BSO, AOPi Leading In Softball League -- Dr. Sokoloff Honored At Reception Here -- Campus Humor -- Final Exam Schedule -- Practices Held By ROTC Cadets
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
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Document Type :
Electronic Resource