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Centrality Dependence of High-pT Hadron Suppression in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=130 GeV

Authors :
Adler, Clemens
Ahammed, Zubayer
Allgower, Chris
Amonett, John
Anderson, Bryon D.
Anderson, Mike
Averichev, Georgy S.
Balewski, Jan
Barannikova, Olga
Barnby, Lee Stuart
Baudot, Jérome
Bekele, Selemon
Belaga, Victoria Vladimirovna
Bellwied, Rene
Berger, Jens
Bichsel, Hans
Billmeier, Anja
Bland, Leslie C.
Blyth, Charles O.
Bonner, Billy E.
Boucham, Abdelkrim
Brandin, Andrei V.
Bravar, Alessandro
Cadman, R. V.
Caines, Helen Louise
Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, Manuel
Cardenas, Andrés
Carroll, J.
Castillo Castellanos, Javier Ernesto
Castro, M.
Cebra, Daniel A.
Chaloupka, Petr
Chattopadhyay, S.
Chen, Y.
Chernenko, S. P.
Cherney, Michael Gerard
Chikanian, Alexei
Choi, B.
Christie, William
Coffin, Jean Pierre
Cormier, Thomas Michael
Cramer, John G.
Crawford, Henry J.
Deng, W. S.
Derevschikov, Anatoly A.
Didenko, Lidia
Dietel, Thomas
Draper, James E.
Dunin, V. B.
Dunlop, James C.
Eckardt, Volker
Efimov, Leonid G.
Emelianov, V.
Engelage, Jon M.
Eppley, Geary Wareham
Erazmus, Barbara Ewa
Fachini, Patricia
Faine, V.
Faivre, Julien
Filimonov, Kirill
Finch, Evan
Fisyak, Yuri V.
Flierl, Dominik Bernhard
Foley, K. J.
Fu, J.
Gagliardi, Carl A.
Gagunashvili, N.
Gans, J.
Gaudichet, L.
Germain, Marie
Geurts, Frank
Ghazikhanian, Vahe
Grachov, Oleg A.
Grigoriev, Vladislav A.
Guedon, M.
Gushin, E.
Hallman, Timothy J.
Hardtke, David H.
Harris, John W.
Henry, Thomas W.
Heppelmann, Steven Francis
Herston, T.
Hippolyte, Boris
Hirsch, Andrew S.
Hjort, Eric
Hoffmann, Gerald W.
Horsley, M.
Huang, Huan Zhong
Humanic, Thomas J.
Igo, George J.
Ishihara, A.
Ivanshin, Yu. I.
Jacobs, Peter Martin
Jacobs, William W.
Janik, Michał
Johnson, I.
Jones, Peter Graham
Judd, Eleanor G.
Kaneta, Kaneta
Kaplan, Morton
Keane, Declan
Kiryluk, Joanna
Kisiel, Adam Ryszard
Klay, Jennifer Lynn
Klein, Spencer Robert
Klyachko, A.
Konstantinov, A. S.
Kopytine, M.
Kotchenda, L.
Kovalenko, A. D.
Kramer, M.
Kravtsov, Peter
Krueger, Keith William
Kuhn, Christian Claude
Kulikov, Anatoly I.
Kunde, Gerd J.
Kunz, Christopher Lee
Kutuev, R. Kh.
Kuznetsov, A. A.
Lakehal-Ayat, L.
Lamont, Matthew A. C.
Landgraf, Jeffery M.
Lange, S.
Lansdell, Curtis Patrick Leon
Lasiuk, Brian
Laue, Frank
Lauret, Jerome
Lebedev, Alexei
Lednický, Richard
Leontiev, V. M.
LeVine, Micheal J.
Li, Q.
Lindenbaum, Sam J.
Lisa, Michael A.
Liu, F.
Liu, L.
Liu, Z.
Liu, Q. J.
Ljubicic, Tonko A.
Llope, William Joseph
LoCurto, G.
Long, H.
Longacre, Ronald S.
Lopez-Noriega, M.
Love, William A.
Ludlam, Thomas
Lynn, David
Ma, Jing-guo
Majka, Richard Daniel
Margetis, Spyridon
Markert, Christina
Martin, L.
Marx, Jay N.
Matis, Howard S.
Matulenko, Yuri A.
McShane, Tom S.
Meissner, F.
Melnick, Yu.
Meščanin, Aleksei P.
Messer, Matthias
Miller, M. L.
Milosevich, Z.
Minaev, Nikolai G.
Mitchell, J.
Moiseenko, V. A.
Moore, C. F.
Morozov, V.
de Moura, M. M.
Munhoz, Marcelo Gameiro
Nelson, John M.
Nevski, P.
Nikitin, Vladimir A.
Nogach, Larisa V.
Norman, B.
Nurušev, Sandibek B.
Odyniec, Grazyna Janina
Ogawa, Akio
Okorokov, Vitaly A.
Oldenburg, Markus D.
Olson, Douglas L.
Paic, Guy
Pandey, S. U.
Panebratsev, Yuri
Panitkin, Sergei Yurievich
Pavlinov, A. I.
Pawlak, Tomasz Jan
Perevoztchikov, V.
Peryt, Wiktor Stanislaw
Petrov, V. A
Planinic, Mirko
Pluta, Jan Marian
Porile, Norbert T.
Porter, Jeffrey Brent
Poskanzer, Arthur M.
Potrebenikova, E.
Prindle, Duncan J.
Pruneau, Claude A.
Putschke, Jörn H.
Rai, Gulshan
Rakness, Gregory L.
Ravel, Olivier
Ray, Robert L.
Razin, Sergej V.
Reichhold, Dennis Michael
Reid, Jeffrey G.
Renault, G.
Retiere, Fabrice
Ridiger, Alexey
Ritter, Hans Georg
Roberts, Jabus B.
Rogachevski, O. V.
Romero, Juan L.
Rose, A.
Roy, Christelle Sophie
Rykov, Vladimir L.
Sakrejda, Iwona
Salur, Sevil
Sandweiss, Jack H.
Saulys, A. C.
Savin, Igor A.
Schambach, Joachim
Scharenberg, Rolf Paul
Schmitz, Norbert
Schroeder, Lee S.
Schüttauf, Andreas
Schweda, Kai
Seger, Janet Elizabeth
Seliverstov, D.
Seyboth, Peter
Shahaliev, Ehtiram
Shestermanov, Konstantin E.
Shimanskii, S. S.
Shvetcov, V. S.
Skoro, Goran P.
Smirnov, Nikolai
Snellings, Raimond
Sorensen, Paul Richard
Sowinski, James
Spinka, Harold. M.
Srivastava, Brijesh Kumar
Stephenson, Edward J.
Stock, Reinhard
Stolpovsky, Alexander
Strichanov, Michail Nikolaevič
Stringfellow, Blair
Struck, Christof
Suaide, Alexandre Alarcon do Passo
Sugarbaker, Evan R.
Suire, Christophe Pierre
Šumbera, Michal
Surrow, Bernd
Symons, Timothy James MacNeil
Toledo, Alejandro Szanto de
Szarwas, Piotr
Tai, An
Takahashi, Jun
Tang, Aihong
Thomas, James H.
Thompson, M.
Tikhomirov, V.
Tokarev, Mikhail V.
Tonjes, Marguerite Belt
Trainor, Thomas A.
Trentalange, Stephen
Tribble, Robert E.
Trofimov, V.
Tsai, Oleg D.
Ullrich, Thomas
Underwood, David G.
Van Buren, Gene
VanderMolen, A. M.
Vasilevski, I. M.
Vasiliev, Alexander Nikolaevich
Vigdor, Steven E.
Voloshin, Sergei
Wang, F.
Ward, H.
Watson, J. W.
Wells, R.
Westfall, Gary D.
Whitten, Charles A.
Wieman, Howard
Willson, Robert
Wissink, Scott W.
Witt, Richard
Wood, J.
Xu, N.
Xu, Z.
Yakutin, A. E.
Yamamoto, E.
Yang, J.
Yepes, Pablo P.
Yurevich, Vladimir Yurevich
Zanevski, Y. V.
Zborovský, I.
Zhang, Haitao
Zhang, W. M.
Zoulkarneev, R.
Zubarev, A. N.
Adler, Clemens
Ahammed, Zubayer
Allgower, Chris
Amonett, John
Anderson, Bryon D.
Anderson, Mike
Averichev, Georgy S.
Balewski, Jan
Barannikova, Olga
Barnby, Lee Stuart
Baudot, Jérome
Bekele, Selemon
Belaga, Victoria Vladimirovna
Bellwied, Rene
Berger, Jens
Bichsel, Hans
Billmeier, Anja
Bland, Leslie C.
Blyth, Charles O.
Bonner, Billy E.
Boucham, Abdelkrim
Brandin, Andrei V.
Bravar, Alessandro
Cadman, R. V.
Caines, Helen Louise
Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, Manuel
Cardenas, Andrés
Carroll, J.
Castillo Castellanos, Javier Ernesto
Castro, M.
Cebra, Daniel A.
Chaloupka, Petr
Chattopadhyay, S.
Chen, Y.
Chernenko, S. P.
Cherney, Michael Gerard
Chikanian, Alexei
Choi, B.
Christie, William
Coffin, Jean Pierre
Cormier, Thomas Michael
Cramer, John G.
Crawford, Henry J.
Deng, W. S.
Derevschikov, Anatoly A.
Didenko, Lidia
Dietel, Thomas
Draper, James E.
Dunin, V. B.
Dunlop, James C.
Eckardt, Volker
Efimov, Leonid G.
Emelianov, V.
Engelage, Jon M.
Eppley, Geary Wareham
Erazmus, Barbara Ewa
Fachini, Patricia
Faine, V.
Faivre, Julien
Filimonov, Kirill
Finch, Evan
Fisyak, Yuri V.
Flierl, Dominik Bernhard
Foley, K. J.
Fu, J.
Gagliardi, Carl A.
Gagunashvili, N.
Gans, J.
Gaudichet, L.
Germain, Marie
Geurts, Frank
Ghazikhanian, Vahe
Grachov, Oleg A.
Grigoriev, Vladislav A.
Guedon, M.
Gushin, E.
Hallman, Timothy J.
Hardtke, David H.
Harris, John W.
Henry, Thomas W.
Heppelmann, Steven Francis
Herston, T.
Hippolyte, Boris
Hirsch, Andrew S.
Hjort, Eric
Hoffmann, Gerald W.
Horsley, M.
Huang, Huan Zhong
Humanic, Thomas J.
Igo, George J.
Ishihara, A.
Ivanshin, Yu. I.
Jacobs, Peter Martin
Jacobs, William W.
Janik, Michał
Johnson, I.
Jones, Peter Graham
Judd, Eleanor G.
Kaneta, Kaneta
Kaplan, Morton
Keane, Declan
Kiryluk, Joanna
Kisiel, Adam Ryszard
Klay, Jennifer Lynn
Klein, Spencer Robert
Klyachko, A.
Konstantinov, A. S.
Kopytine, M.
Kotchenda, L.
Kovalenko, A. D.
Kramer, M.
Kravtsov, Peter
Krueger, Keith William
Kuhn, Christian Claude
Kulikov, Anatoly I.
Kunde, Gerd J.
Kunz, Christopher Lee
Kutuev, R. Kh.
Kuznetsov, A. A.
Lakehal-Ayat, L.
Lamont, Matthew A. C.
Landgraf, Jeffery M.
Lange, S.
Lansdell, Curtis Patrick Leon
Lasiuk, Brian
Laue, Frank
Lauret, Jerome
Lebedev, Alexei
Lednický, Richard
Leontiev, V. M.
LeVine, Micheal J.
Li, Q.
Lindenbaum, Sam J.
Lisa, Michael A.
Liu, F.
Liu, L.
Liu, Z.
Liu, Q. J.
Ljubicic, Tonko A.
Llope, William Joseph
LoCurto, G.
Long, H.
Longacre, Ronald S.
Lopez-Noriega, M.
Love, William A.
Ludlam, Thomas
Lynn, David
Ma, Jing-guo
Majka, Richard Daniel
Margetis, Spyridon
Markert, Christina
Martin, L.
Marx, Jay N.
Matis, Howard S.
Matulenko, Yuri A.
McShane, Tom S.
Meissner, F.
Melnick, Yu.
Meščanin, Aleksei P.
Messer, Matthias
Miller, M. L.
Milosevich, Z.
Minaev, Nikolai G.
Mitchell, J.
Moiseenko, V. A.
Moore, C. F.
Morozov, V.
de Moura, M. M.
Munhoz, Marcelo Gameiro
Nelson, John M.
Nevski, P.
Nikitin, Vladimir A.
Nogach, Larisa V.
Norman, B.
Nurušev, Sandibek B.
Odyniec, Grazyna Janina
Ogawa, Akio
Okorokov, Vitaly A.
Oldenburg, Markus D.
Olson, Douglas L.
Paic, Guy
Pandey, S. U.
Panebratsev, Yuri
Panitkin, Sergei Yurievich
Pavlinov, A. I.
Pawlak, Tomasz Jan
Perevoztchikov, V.
Peryt, Wiktor Stanislaw
Petrov, V. A
Planinic, Mirko
Pluta, Jan Marian
Porile, Norbert T.
Porter, Jeffrey Brent
Poskanzer, Arthur M.
Potrebenikova, E.
Prindle, Duncan J.
Pruneau, Claude A.
Putschke, Jörn H.
Rai, Gulshan
Rakness, Gregory L.
Ravel, Olivier
Ray, Robert L.
Razin, Sergej V.
Reichhold, Dennis Michael
Reid, Jeffrey G.
Renault, G.
Retiere, Fabrice
Ridiger, Alexey
Ritter, Hans Georg
Roberts, Jabus B.
Rogachevski, O. V.
Romero, Juan L.
Rose, A.
Roy, Christelle Sophie
Rykov, Vladimir L.
Sakrejda, Iwona
Salur, Sevil
Sandweiss, Jack H.
Saulys, A. C.
Savin, Igor A.
Schambach, Joachim
Scharenberg, Rolf Paul
Schmitz, Norbert
Schroeder, Lee S.
Schüttauf, Andreas
Schweda, Kai
Seger, Janet Elizabeth
Seliverstov, D.
Seyboth, Peter
Shahaliev, Ehtiram
Shestermanov, Konstantin E.
Shimanskii, S. S.
Shvetcov, V. S.
Skoro, Goran P.
Smirnov, Nikolai
Snellings, Raimond
Sorensen, Paul Richard
Sowinski, James
Spinka, Harold. M.
Srivastava, Brijesh Kumar
Stephenson, Edward J.
Stock, Reinhard
Stolpovsky, Alexander
Strichanov, Michail Nikolaevič
Stringfellow, Blair
Struck, Christof
Suaide, Alexandre Alarcon do Passo
Sugarbaker, Evan R.
Suire, Christophe Pierre
Šumbera, Michal
Surrow, Bernd
Symons, Timothy James MacNeil
Toledo, Alejandro Szanto de
Szarwas, Piotr
Tai, An
Takahashi, Jun
Tang, Aihong
Thomas, James H.
Thompson, M.
Tikhomirov, V.
Tokarev, Mikhail V.
Tonjes, Marguerite Belt
Trainor, Thomas A.
Trentalange, Stephen
Tribble, Robert E.
Trofimov, V.
Tsai, Oleg D.
Ullrich, Thomas
Underwood, David G.
Van Buren, Gene
VanderMolen, A. M.
Vasilevski, I. M.
Vasiliev, Alexander Nikolaevich
Vigdor, Steven E.
Voloshin, Sergei
Wang, F.
Ward, H.
Watson, J. W.
Wells, R.
Westfall, Gary D.
Whitten, Charles A.
Wieman, Howard
Willson, Robert
Wissink, Scott W.
Witt, Richard
Wood, J.
Xu, N.
Xu, Z.
Yakutin, A. E.
Yamamoto, E.
Yang, J.
Yepes, Pablo P.
Yurevich, Vladimir Yurevich
Zanevski, Y. V.
Zborovský, I.
Zhang, Haitao
Zhang, W. M.
Zoulkarneev, R.
Zubarev, A. N.
Publication Year :


Inclusive transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons within 0.2<pT<6.0 GeV/c have been measured over a broad range of centrality for Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=130 GeV. Hadron yields are suppressed at high pT in central collisions relative to peripheral collisions and to a nucleon-nucleon reference scaled for collision geometry. Peripheral collisions are not suppressed relative to the nucleon-nucleon reference. The suppression varies continuously at intermediate centralities. The results indicate significant nuclear medium effects on high-pT hadron production in heavy-ion collisions at high energy.


Database :
Notes :
application/pdf, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource