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Application of non-equilibrium plasmas in medicine

Authors :
Petrović, Zoran Lj.
Petrović, Zoran Lj.
Source :
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Publication Year :


The potential of plasma applications medicine, the connections to nanotechnologies and the results obtained by our group are reviewed. A special issue in plasma medicine is the development of the plasma sources that would achieve non-equilibrium at atmospheric pressure in an atmospheric gas mixture with no or only marginal heating of the gas, and with desired properties and mechanisms that may be controlled. Our studies have shown that control of radicals or chemically active products of the discharge, such as ROS (reactive oxygen species) and/or NO, may be used to control the growth of the seeds. Simultaneously, a specially designed plasma needle and other sources were shown to be efficient to sterilize not only colonies of bacteria but also plank- tonic samples (microorganisms protected by water) or bio films. Finally, it was shown that a plasma might induce differentiation of stem cells. Non-equilibrium plasmas may be used in detection of different specific markers in medicine. For example proton transfer mass spectroscopy may be employed in the detection of volatile organic compounds without their dissociation and thus as a technique for instantaneous measurement of the presence of markers for numerous diseases.<br />U ovom radu dat je pregled primene plazme u medicini, povezanost sa nanotehnologijama i rezultate na ovom polju koje je postigla naša grupa. Poseban problem u plazma medicini je razvoj izvora plazme koji bi radili u neravnotežnim uslovima na atmosferskom pritisku i u smeši gasova kakva je u atmosferi uz zanemarljivo grejanje gasa i sa željenim karakteristikama koje se mogu podešavati po želji. Naša istraživanja su pokazala da se kontrola prisustva radikala i drugih hemijski aktivnih čestica kao što su reaktivne kiseonične čestice (ROS) i/ili NO, može koristiti za kontrolu klijanja semenki. U isto vreme je dokazano za posebno konstruisanu plazma iglu da može efikasno da steriliše ne samo kolonije bakterija već i planktonske uzorke (mikroorganizme zaštićene vodom) pa i biofilmove. Na kraju, mi smo pokazali da plazma može da indukuje diferencijaciju matičnih ćelija. Neravnotežna plazma se može koristiti za detekciju raznih specifičnih markera u medicini. Na primer masena spektroskopija na bazi izmene protona može da se koristi za detekciju isparivih organskih jedinjenja bez njihove disocijacije i na taj način se može ostvariti trenutna detekcija markera za brojne bolesti iz daha.


Database :
Journal :
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Notes :
Petrović, Zoran Lj., Puač, Nevena, Malović, Gordana, Lazović, Saša, Maletić, Dejan, Miletić, Maja, Mojsilović, Slavko, Milenković, Pavle B., Bugarski, Diana
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
Accession number :
Document Type :
Electronic Resource