Paintsville Lake master plan: Public involvement meeting
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Louisville District; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Huntington District; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Great Lakes and Ohio River Division. “Paintsville Lake Master Plan: Public Involvement Meeting.” PaintsvilleLake Public Mtg 2nd Presentation_2Feb2022.Pdf, 2022. EBSCOhost,
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Louisville District; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Huntington District; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Great Lakes and Ohio River Division. (2022). Paintsville Lake master plan: Public involvement meeting. PaintsvilleLake Public Mtg 2nd Presentation_2Feb2022.Pdf.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Louisville District; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Huntington District; United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Great Lakes and Ohio River Division. 2022. “Paintsville Lake Master Plan: Public Involvement Meeting.” PaintsvilleLake Public Mtg 2nd Presentation_2Feb2022.Pdf.