Secure transplantation by tissue purging using photodynamic therapy to eradicate malignant cells.
UCL - SSS/IREC - Institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique, et al. “Secure Transplantation by Tissue Purging Using Photodynamic Therapy to Eradicate Malignant Cells.” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, Vol. 234, No.-, p. 112546 (2022), 2022. EBSCOhost,
UCL - SSS/IREC - Institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique, Moghassemi, S., Dadashzadeh, A., de Azevedo, R. B., & Andrade Amorim, C. (2022). Secure transplantation by tissue purging using photodynamic therapy to eradicate malignant cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, Vol. 234, No.-, p. 112546 (2022).
UCL - SSS/IREC - Institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique, Saeid Moghassemi, Arezoo Dadashzadeh, Ricardo Bentes de Azevedo, and Christiani Andrade Amorim. 2022. “Secure Transplantation by Tissue Purging Using Photodynamic Therapy to Eradicate Malignant Cells.” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, Vol. 234, No.-, p. 112546 (2022).