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Elikadura mota desberdinek 2 motako diabetes mellitusaren gluzemiaren kontrolean duten eragina
- Publication Year :
- 2023
- 2 motako diabetesa odoleko glukosa mailak altuegi izatea eragiten duen gaixotasun metabolikoa da. Osasun publikorako arazo larria da, populazioaren kopuru handi bati eta organo nagusi askori eragiten baitie. Elikadura 2 motako Diabetes Mellitusa prebenitzeko eta kudeatzeko ezinbesteko tratamendu ez-farmakologikoa dela kontuan hartuz, erizainak dieta osasuntsuen inguruko informazioa eskaini diezaieke pazienteei. Horrela, osasun-hezkuntza egokiaren bidez gaixotasunaren prebentzioan rol garrantzitsua bete dezake. Helburua: lan honen helburu nagusia 2 motako Diabetes Mellitusa pairatzen duten pazienteen gluzemia kontrolatzeko dieta ezberdinen (begetarianoa, mediterraneoa, zetogenikoa eta beganoa) eraginkortasuna aztertzen duten artikuluen errebisio sistematiko bat egitea da. Halaber, errebisio sistematiko horretan lortutako emaitzetan oinarrituz, erizainok aplika dezakegun elikadura gida baten oinarriak proposatu nahi dira. Metodologia: PIO egitura jarraituz PubMed, BVS, Scopus eta Cochrane datu-baseetan bilaketa-sistematikoa egin da. Bilaketa hori 2022ko abenduaren 10an egin da eta 2013tik 2022ra bitartean argitaratutako argitalpenak barne hartu dira. Emaitzak: bai dieta begetarianoak eta bai dieta mediterraneoak hemoglobina glikosilatuan eragin positiboa dute. Beraz, biak aukera egokiak dira 2 motako Diabetes Mellitusaren prebentziorako eta odoleko glukosa mailak balore egokietan mantentzeko. Dieta zetogenikoari eta beganoari dagokienez, hemoglobina glikosilatuan onurak dakartzatela dirudi, baina emaitzak ez dira hain argiak. Eztabaida: dieta begetarianoa eta mediterraneoa zereal, fruta eta barazkietan oinarritzen dira. Elikagai horiek antioxidatzaile iturri garrantzitsuak dira eta antioxidatzaileek intsulinaren jarioa estimulatzen dute baita intsulinarekiko erresistentzia gutxitu ere. Modu berean, zuntzetan aberatsak izatean, onuragarriak dira glukosaren metabolismorako. Dieta beganoaren eraginkortasuna ere zuntzetan aberatsa izateari lotzen zaio funtsean. Dieta zeto<br />Introduction: Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes blood glucose levels to be too high. It is a serious public health problem, as it affects a large portion of the population and many of their major organs. Considering that diet is an essential non-pharmacological treatment for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, nurses can provide patients with information about healthy diets. Thus, through appropriate health education, they can play an important role in disease prevention. Objectives: The main objective of this study is to conduct a systematic review of articles that analyze the effectiveness of various diets, including vegetarian, mediterranean, ketogenic, and vegan diets, for controlling glycemia in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Based on the results of this systematic review, we intend to recommend the foundation for a dietary guide that can be utilized by these nurses. Methodology: A systematic search was conducted following the PIO structure. This search was carried out on December 10, 2022, in PubMed, BVS, Scopus, and Cochrane databases, and included publications that were published between 2013 and 2022. Results: The vegetarian and mediterranean diets have a positive effect on glycosylated hemoglobin, making them good options for preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus and maintaining proper blood glucose levels. The ketogenic and vegan diets appear to provide benefits in glycosylated hemoglobin, but the results are not as clear. Discussion: The vegetarian and mediterranean diets are based on grains, fruits, and vegetables. These foods are an important source of antioxidants that stimulate insulin flow and decrease insulin resistance. Moreover, being rich in fibers, they are beneficial for glucose metabolism. The effectiveness of the vegan diet is also fundamentally associated with being fiber-rich. In the case of the ketogenic diet, the reduction of carbohydrates appears to imply a decrease in the absorption of glucose i
- Database :
- OAIster
- Notes :
- Basque, Spanish
- Publication Type :
- Electronic Resource
- Accession number :
- edsoai.on1390906432
- Document Type :
- Electronic Resource