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Variability seed quality and initial seedling growth of maize hybrids of different fractions after natural seed processing.

Authors :
Đokić, Dragoslav
Đokić, Dragoslav
Tabaković, Marijenka
Knežević, Jasmina
Milenković, Bojana
Poštić, Dobrivoj
Štrbanović, Ratibor
Stanisavljević, Rade
Đokić, Dragoslav
Đokić, Dragoslav
Tabaković, Marijenka
Knežević, Jasmina
Milenković, Bojana
Poštić, Dobrivoj
Štrbanović, Ratibor
Stanisavljević, Rade
Source :
Publication Year :


Đokić D., M. Tabaković, J. Knežević, B. Milenković, D. Poštić, R. Štrbanović, R.Stanisavljević (2023). Variability and correlation between quality of maize hybrid seeds of different fractions obtained after seed processing and the initial seedling growth.- Genetika, Vol 55, No.1, 289-300. The shape and the size of maize seeds are the most variable traits, which are determined by a genotype and environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to understand the effects of the mechanism of the relationship and significance of seed variability on germination and morphology of seedlings. The seeds of five hybrids ZP388, ZP434, ZP555, ZP606, and ZP6263 were used in this study. The following seed traits were analysed: physical ones: seed length (L), thickness (T) and the width (W); morphological ones: seed weight (SW), seedling length (SLW), root length (RL), shoot length (SL) and seed germination (G) as a phydiological trait.There are statistically significant differences not only among physical traits of the seeds of the five hybrids (p≤0.05), but also among the morphological traits (p≤0.05). Statisticlly significant differences (p≤0.05). in the 290 GENETIKA, Vol. 55 No1, 289-300, 2023 width (W), length(L) and thickness (T) of seeds of all hybrids were determined in the small flat fraction (SP). The large rounded seed fraction (KO) mainly differed in the width and thickness between hybrids ZP434 and ZP 555, while the large flat seed fraction differed the most in the length between these two hybrids. Large-flat (KP) seed fractions are also characterized by the highest germination (99%). As the seed weight increases, the seedling weight decreases (R2=0.527). Segmentation within hybrids according to the diversity of morphological and physiological properties of seeds was carried out according to the seed size, fraction and seedling weight, while the other parameters were less important. The characteristic of all hybrids is that large seeds of the KP fraction have high ge<br />Oblik i veličina semena kukuruza su najpromenljivije osobine koje određuju genotip i uslovi životne sredine. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se sagleda značaj varijabilnosti semena i njen odnos sa klijavošću semena i morfologijom klijanaca. U radu je korišćeno seme pet hibrida ZP388, ZP434, ZP555, ZP606 i ZP6263. Analizirane su sledeće osobine semena: fizičke: dužina (L), debljina (T) i širina (V); morfološke: masa semena (SV), dužina semena (SLV), dužina korena (RL), dužina izdanka (SL) i klijavost semena (G) kao fiziološka osobina.Postoje statistički značajne razlike ne samo među fizičkim osobinama semena pet hibrida p≤0,05) već i među morfološkim osobinama (p≤0,05). Statistički značajne razlike (p≤0,05). širina (V), dužina (L) i debljina (T) semena svih hibrida su određene u sitno pljosnatoj frakciji (SP). Frakcija krupnog okruglog semena (KO) se uglavnom razlikovala po širini i debljini između hibrida ZP434 i ZP 555, dok se frakcija krupnog plosnatog semena najviše razlikovala po dužini između ova dva hibrida. Krupno-plosnata (KP) frakcija semena takođe se odlikuju najvećom klijavošću (99%). Sa povećanjem mase semena, težina semena se smanjuje (R2=0,527). Selekcija unutar hibrida prema raznovrsnosti morfoloških i fizioloških osobina semena vršena je prema veličini semena, frakciji i masi semena, dok su ostali parametri bili manje važni. Karakteristika svih hibrida je da krupno seme KP frakcije ima visoku klijavost i dobro razvijene klijance.


Database :
Journal :
Notes :
Genetika, Serbian, English
Publication Type :
Electronic Resource
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Document Type :
Electronic Resource