MET Signaling Mediates Intestinal Crypt-Villus Development, Regeneration, and Adenoma Formation and Is Promoted by Stem Cell CD44 Isoforms
Hubrecht Institute with UMC, et al. MET Signaling Mediates Intestinal Crypt-Villus Development, Regeneration, and Adenoma Formation and Is Promoted by Stem Cell CD44 Isoforms. 2017. EBSCOhost,
Hubrecht Institute with UMC, CMM Sectie Molecular Cancer Research, Cancer, Child Health, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells, Joosten, S. P. J., Zeilstra, J., Van Andel, H., Mijnals, R. C., Zaunbrecher, J., Duivenvoorden, A. A. M., van de Wetering, M., Clevers, H., Spaargaren, M., & Pals, S. T. (2017). MET Signaling Mediates Intestinal Crypt-Villus Development, Regeneration, and Adenoma Formation and Is Promoted by Stem Cell CD44 Isoforms.
Hubrecht Institute with UMC, CMM Sectie Molecular Cancer Research, Cancer, Child Health, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells, Sander P J Joosten, Jurrit Zeilstra, et al. 2017. “MET Signaling Mediates Intestinal Crypt-Villus Development, Regeneration, and Adenoma Formation and Is Promoted by Stem Cell CD44 Isoforms.”