Corrigendum to “Emerging business models in local energy markets: A systematic review of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy models” [Renew Sustain Energy Rev 179 (2023) 113273](S1364032123001296)(10.1016/j.rser.2023.113273)
Schwidtal, J. M.(Jan Marc), et al. “Corrigendum to ‘Emerging Business Models in Local Energy Markets: A Systematic Review of Peer-to-Peer, Community Self-Consumption, and Transactive Energy Models’ [Renew Sustain Energy Rev 179 (2023) 113273](S1364032123001296)(10.1016/j.Rser.2023.113273).” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023. EBSCOhost,
Schwidtal, J. M. (Jan M., Piccini, P., Troncia, M., Chitchyan, R. (Ruzanna), Montakhabi, M. (Mehdi), Francis, C. (Christina), Gorbatcheva, A. (Anna), Capper, T. (Timothy), Mustafa, M. A. (Mustafa), Andoni, M. (Merlinda), Robu, V. (Valentin), Bahloul, M. (Mohamed), Scott, I. J. (Ian), Mbavarira, T. (Tanaka), Espana, J. M. (Juan M., & Kiesling, L. (Lynne). (2023). Corrigendum to “Emerging business models in local energy markets: A systematic review of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy models” [Renew Sustain Energy Rev 179 (2023) 113273](S1364032123001296)(10.1016/j.rser.2023.113273). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Schwidtal, J.M. (Jan Marc), P. Piccini, M. Troncia, R. (Ruzanna) Chitchyan, M. (Mehdi) Montakhabi, C. (Christina) Francis, A. (Anna) Gorbatcheva, et al. 2023. “Corrigendum to ‘Emerging Business Models in Local Energy Markets: A Systematic Review of Peer-to-Peer, Community Self-Consumption, and Transactive Energy Models’ [Renew Sustain Energy Rev 179 (2023) 113273](S1364032123001296)(10.1016/j.Rser.2023.113273).” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.