Unravelling Novel SCN5A Mutations Linked to Brugada Syndrome: Functional, Structural, and Genetic Insights
Frosio, A., et al. Unravelling Novel SCN5A Mutations Linked to Brugada Syndrome: Functional, Structural, and Genetic Insights. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Frosio, A., Micaglio, E., Polsinelli, I., Calamaio, S., Melgari, D., Prevostini, R., Ghiroldi, A., Binda, A., Carrera, P., Villa, M., Mastrocinque, F., Presi, S., Salerno, R., Boccellino, A., Anastasia, L., Ciconte, G., Ricagno, S., Pappone, C., Rivolta, I., … Rivolta I. (2023). Unravelling Novel SCN5A Mutations Linked to Brugada Syndrome: Functional, Structural, and Genetic Insights.
Frosio, A, E Micaglio, I Polsinelli, S Calamaio, D Melgari, R Prevostini, A Ghiroldi, et al. 2023. “Unravelling Novel SCN5A Mutations Linked to Brugada Syndrome: Functional, Structural, and Genetic Insights.”